(Twitter / @zachheltzel)

After a week that saw J.D. Vance hurt himself with the single woman demographic as his comments calling them "childless cat ladies" resurfaced, he may have hurt himself with the potentially more important Pokémon trainer demographic with an anecdote about receiving the phone call to be Donald Trump's running mate.

Earlier today, the Full Send Podcast posted their interview with Vance. Vance recalled receiving the phone call from Trump, and in his hotel room, his 7-year-old son Ewan was excitedly talking about Pokémon cards. With Trump on the phone, Vance says he told Ewan to "shut the hell up about Pikachu."

Vance's story was likely intended to be a relatable tale for parents who have had similar experiences with their children talking about their inane interests while the parent is doing something important. However, coming off a week where Vance became the poster child for the "Republicans are Weird" messaging pushed by Democrats thanks to salacious rumors regarding Vance, a couch and dolphins, the apparent insult to Pikachu was the final straw for many.

Twitter / MuralGoblin

Twitter / MoxieBoosted

Twitter / mahargias

Vance has historically poor favorability among recent VP picks, which has led to some speculation that Donald Trump may drop him. When asked about Vance at a recent, incendiary meeting with the National Association of Black Journalists, Trump said of Vance, "Historically, the choice of a vice president makes no difference. You're voting for the president. You can have a vice president who's outstanding in every way, and I think JD is. I think that all of them would have been. But you're not voting that way. You're voting for the president. You're voting for me."

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Comments 14 total

Geigh Science

Oooo I hate my kiiiids, I hate my kids AH! Let's not ride a biiiiike, with my kids- AAARGH!


King Crimson

This guy has gone so far out of his way to make himself as hilariously unlikable as possible that if I didn't already know better I'd think he was a democrat double agent. Tune in for tomorrow when new audio surfaces of JD explaining how he used to run down puppies with his car for sport.



Ah yes, a relatable tale for anyone who's accidentally ran over animals in their car, except J.D. does it on purpose and talks about it like a funny story.



I despise the fact that he is a Millennial

Because as one, this is embarrassing


"I hate my wife and kids, am I right, fellas?!"



No one will be Pokemon Going to the polls for him.


Jon the Wizard

Instead, his words may have him thrown in the Mystery Dungeon for a long time.



>Vance's story was likely intended to be a relatable tale for many parents who have had similar experiences with their children talking about their inane interests while the parent is doing something important

Irrefutable proof that this dude has zero social awareness. Everyone has a bad day but I doubt many parents are willing to admit they yelled at and cussed out their child for bothering them about Mario while they're on the phone with their boss or whatever. And saying it so nonchalantly just makes you look like a terrible parent and a total piece of shit.


Lord DIO

Yah, this guy does not know what social interaction is.



This lack of situational awareness reminds me of that video about how Axe failed and Old Spice was reborn.

One of Axe's body spray last desperate attempts was to sell it as a "grown man" product, dissociating it from the young boy it had before. But because of timing and target audience, it so happens that their target audience is precisely those late 90s/early 2000s boys who have grown up and won't be swayed by propaganda because they were down there in the trenches of locker warfare and do not want anything with them ever again. And the ladies they are after likely still hold some ick for Axe body spray smell.

Many parents and the occasional grandpa happen to be in the demographic that was at the height of the Pokémon craze, so a guy who, from his age, for all intents and purposes should be "one of us" (well I'm around his age anyway), and correctly relate and handle the situation, instead decided to appeal to the bitter boomer generation and thought this "you made me look bad ooga booga booga" card was the best play.

Anyone who brags about talking down their kids should be tarred and feathered. That's the opposite of your job as a parent.

What a weirdo.



Vance likely grew up in a time where video games were still "that dumb Nintendo stuff that my kid won't shut up about" at best or "the devil incarnate" at worst. He probably assumed parents still held those views not realizing those same kids who were talked down upon for liking video games are raising kids of their own, while the parents who still hold those views have long since grown old and watched their kids enter adulthood.
