Ja Morant in both instagram live offenses

NBA player Ja Morant has been formally suspended from the team following his second time brandishing a firearm while live on Instagram. The first event, which took place in early March, earned him a minor suspension while an investigation was done and cleared him of any criminal misconduct. After his first incident, Ja Morant apologized for his behavior, which was welcomed by fans of his game, while others said he was merely apologizing because he was forced to and didn't mean it.

Twitter / SalteeMusic

Twitter / C2theL2theIGG

However, it didn't take Ja Morant long to end up right back where he started. Once again, he found himself on Instagram Live singing along to NBA Youngboy and brandishing yet another firearm. This time, however, instead of being inside of a club environment, he was in a car with several friends, but the league did not take kindly to the repeat offender. After being suspended for eight games back in March, the Memphis Grizzlies announced that he was suspended from all team venues and connections pending a full investigation by the league. Reactions to the newest video are vastly different from the first, with many people berating Morant or making memes based on the situation because of his previous apology.

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So what's the cargo cult theory here underlying the sloppy edits of these images to have a toy gun for the front page? Is the fear that the advertisers are using some kind of AI algorithm to spot firearms and pull ads? Or are they doing some kind of meticulous human review of every site they sponsor? Break this down for me. I get the algospeak superstitions at least a little since automatic text detection is easy (not that I think I've ever heard of any advertisers pulling out because of that, ever), but why this new nightmarish low? Was this just the only version of the images that could be found?



A comment I found on The Athletic summarizes this whole situation up quite well.

It read ‘Idiot’



But really bro he’s gotta be first team all-NRA after that one
