Internet Sleuths Are Investigating A TikToker Who Went Viral For Videos Discussing Her Murdered 'Husband'


Published September 30, 2023

On Wednesday, Distractify covered a rising TikTok user named Lisa Mia (aka @chin_up_sunshine_) who has been making numerous TikToks claiming that her husband was Robert Brewer, a man who was tragically murdered in May 2010.

Her story caught algorithmic attention when she pulled into a Starbucks and paid for the order of the person behind her to honor Robert's memory. She has done this in eight TikToks, leading to discussions among users about whether or not the practice was tasteful or unfair to the unsuspecting baristas.

This, however, is where things get bizarre, as internet users have found no evidence suggesting Lisa Mia was ever married to Robert Brewer.

Brewer died in May 2010 and was tortured and burned to death in a horrific murder regarding a dispute at what has been described as a "drug party." The perpetrators were caught and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The day after Distractify's piece, Redditor Public-Ad-949 did some digging into Lisa Mia, noting that one of her commenters pointed out that her story was inconsistent with the dates of Brewer's murder. They found Brewer's obituary, which makes no reference to Lisa Mia, nor a wife at all.

The Redditor claimed they had spoken with another TikToker who allegedly contacted Brewer's family. According to their tale, "a cousin had answered (Publid-Ad-949's contact) and told her that they "had not spoken to this woman in years, and that the videos upset many of the family members and that she was only doing this for attention."

They also say they noticed that Mia was deleting comments and blocking commenters who were questioning the validity of her marriage to Brewer.

Mia has since admitted that she had never officially married Brewer, saying in multiple TikToks that they were just engaged, but that she decided to call him her "husband" moving forward.

Some suspect that Mia is using Brewer's death, whatever their relationship was, to promote a book of poetry that she claims she wrote with Brewer. Several of her TikToks find her reading poetry.

Mia has not posted since her Tuesday TikTok that went viral and has yet to address the rumors circulating online.
