Twitter / @tomwarren, @joeywreck

Internet Explorer, the Microsoft web browser that introduced so many to the wonders of the World Wide Web over the last 27 years, will no longer work after June 15th, according to an announcement by Microsoft.

While the browser was already a piece of history according to many (even replaced by Microsoft Edge several years ago), its official end had some feeling nostalgic and wondering if Internet Explorer ever really could die.

A number of internet users confessed that they had not been loyal to Internet Explorer while it was still alive, preferring other browsers like Safari or Google Chrome.

Others were more or less indifferent to the news and shared their apathy via memes.

All around the world, '90s kids grieved the passing of the iconic software. Like the discontinuation of Adobe Flash in 2020, the end of Internet Explorer marks the end of an entire era for many who grew up using it daily.

As the world and each of us in it face off against an uncertain future, we will have to make do without the clunky companionship of the early internet’s signature browser. The helpful guide that first ushered us into the strange territories of online living is no more, buried under the shifting sands and bytes of time like the rubble of ancient civilizations in the desert.

Goodbye, Internet Explorer.

Farewell, friend.

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Comments 8 total


uh, it still seems to work for me.
not that I really use it for anything other than compatibility reasons, but



I do have some good memories of using it back in the late 90s, but honestly, it needed to be retired years ago. This is more of a mercy killing than a graceful death.


Lexicanium Coeus

I remember using MSN explorer instead of IE


Nox Lucis

It lived long enough to see itself become the villain, but in the end it seems people are still willing to remember the good years.



I've been online since 1994. I have never once heard anyone say they liked Internet Explorer.



Korea's Internet about to DIE,

their online banking system in large part still relies on ActiveX plugins which work only on IE.


Sir Trollsalot

Web developers can finally be freed from obtuse customers wanting IE support in AD 2022.
