Never let anyone tell you punk is dead. Last weekend at the Welcome to Rockville festival in Daytona, Florida, Brass Against singer Sophie Urista channeled the spirit of GG Allin when she invited a fan on stage, dropped trou, and peed on his face. If you want to see that, here you go (major NSFW warning, of course):

Brass Against, a band that does brass covers of heavy rock songs, was in the middle of covering Rage Against The Machine's "Wake Up" when the incident occurred.

The band issued an apology for the incident, first tweeting "that's not who we are as a band" before deleting that and posting a second tweet that assured future concertgoers it "won't happen again."

As one might imagine, publically urinating on a fan's face turned out to be an extremely controversial thing to do, even though the fan, who had a camera mounted on his head, consented to it.

Opinions were split on whether this was a truly "rock and roll" thing to do or if it was just gross, at least according to Twitter.

At the very least, Urista cleaned the pee herself so venue staff didn't have to deal with it. There has been a police report filed against the band, meaning Florida police are going to be taking a long hard look at her peeing on a guy.

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Görktürks are furries

i did not enjoy seeing how into it that guy was.



Some people pay good money for that, lol


Whoop DeDoo

Another thirsty little flower saved from dying.



More like Sophie Urinista amirite?

I'll show myself the door.


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I couldn't care less about the obscenity, but if you're going to exchange bodily fluids with a fan – do it backstage. Because while that fan may have consented, if you miss then someone who didn't might get some.


Talkie Toaster

All I'm gonna say on this is that the mf who got peed on looks like he should be performing some stone cold stunners
