(Twitter / @StopAntisemites)

After appearing on InfoWars and spouting his adoration of Hitler earlier this month, Kanye West had truly cemented himself firmly in the antisemitic camp. according to many online commenters.

His devotion to this notion was so strong, apparently, that the official Twitter page for the Stop AntiSemitism non-profit group decided to call Kanye the biggest "Antisemite of the Year," with a bizarre announcement that was meant to make everyone who wasn't aware of him knowledgable of what he did and said.

This was carried out via Twitter, with a video that went through a quick timeline of his antisemitic remarks.

This, however, didn't exactly go as planned, as the resulting thread itself (and many others made about the event) appeared to have many congratulating Kanye on the achievement, with memes being made of Kanye accepting the award and being hyped about it.

This led to a lot of (probably) ironic posting about the award being a good thing for Kanye to win, and calling him "based." Others began pointing out that, technically, Kanye still believes in the Holocaust, while plenty of others made light of it or directly plan to recreate it, calling the selection of Kanye "rigged."

Memes aside, many were also upset that Kanye was highlighted in the video and "award," suggesting that other individuals or groups of people might've been more deserving.

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