(Twitter / JeffDLowe)

Nineties kids were given a grave reminder of their own mortality this week when juice brand Capri-Sun, best known for turning children into silver goo and coming in pouches that are notoriously difficult to punch a straw through without splashing juice all over oneself, announced that its beverages will now come in generic plastic bottles.

Instagram / Snackolator

The design change addresses some popularly stated consumer issues with the Capri-Sun pouches – namely, the straw issue and the fact that a person can get roughly three good sips before the pouch shrivels up – but the thought of the iconic beverage in a bottle still struck many as shocking, and perhaps even an offense to human morality.

Twitter / JeffDLowe

Twitter / culchie_spice

Twitter / SMmmarotta

Rest assured, the introduction of bottled Capri-Sun does not mean the brand is discontinuing its classic metallic pouch. In fact, Capri-Sun has already been selling 96-oz. jugs of the beverage for in-home, in-glass consumption, which has not gotten as much attention but has caused similar psychological distress.

For the time being, one is still able to blow up an empty Capri-Sun pouch, stomp on it and send the straw flying.

However, for many Millennials, the new Capri-Sun bottles mark the incessant passage of time, causing some to slide into an existential crisis — even if the bottles are arguably a more convenient means of Capri-Sun consumption than the classic pouches.

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Comments 3 total


This will ruin them. Think about how kids act for one second and know that a plastic bottle is far more spill prone, as once it tips over just about all of the juice POURS out. The hole in the pouch drips much slower in comparison and can possibly save a lot more of the drink from becoming an unsightly stain in the back seat.
This is why we should have respected the pouch.



I honestly can't see it doing too well.

Capri Sun being in soft pouches is what made it a lunchbox staple. But let's see how it goes.


Lord DIO

Bankrupt them immediately
