(Twitter / @KarateCombat)

While much of the world is caught up on frivolous matters such as the recent shooting of a Presidential candidate and a monumental change at the top of the ticket for the other party, a matter of much graver importance occurred late last night when "Hawk Tuah Girl" Haliey Welch announced her desire to fight pop star Jojo Siwa in hand-to-hand combat.

Yesterday, Asim Zaidi, the president of the "contact striking" league Karate Combat, was interviewing Welch for some reason. As part of their conversation, Zaidi jokingly asked Welch who she would like to meet "in the pit," as it was apparently a "dream" of his to have Welch do some karate.

After taking a beat, Welch responded that she would like to fight Jojo Siwa and the two laughed about it in the clip.

The exchange is yet another stop on Welch's increasingly bizarre media tour, which so far has included meeting with Barstool's Brianna LaPaglia and somehow causing controversy by saying she would not spit on Donald Trump's "thang."

She's also apparently lined up for a reality show and hanging out with Shaquille O'Neal.

The girl's meteoric rise to fame has baffled many internet users, some to the point of kneejerk disgust, and reactions to Zaidi's interview with Welch were swift and cruel from fans of Karate Combat, many of whom expressed they were unfollowing his account and declared it a "sad day for karate combat."

Siwa has yet to respond to Welch's challenge to single combat.

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Comments 7 total


Girl… you need to let the fame go. The joke was funny a couple of times. But unless you actually show the world that you are funny, you will be just the real life version of the "I didn't do it" kid


Witch Dianna

This person is starting to sound more and more like an industry plant tbh I don't get why the meme is funny or why the person behind it deserves fame



I see someone wants to stretch her 15 minutes of fame as far as possible



Just do OF and then begone already if she wants her 15 minutes stretched.

Give 'em the hawk tuah™.


Jon the Wizard

Peter, care to chime in?

Thank you, Mr. Griffin.


Geigh Science

oh my god this is the most forced and unfunny "meme" of all goddamn time, it never fucking ends
