House Dwarves

The upcoming Hogwarts Legacy game, being a more open-world take on the Harry Potter franchise as a whole, has started to see increasing commercial presence as the game launches in just over a month. Due to this increased visibility, the calls to boycott the game, based off of the supposed profits reaped by author J.K. Rowling, have begun to increase as well. Fans of the series who do not like Rowling's controversial statements, which are often labeled transphobic, have called for the game to be completely boycotted in the community online.

However, there are plenty within the community who are trying to push back against the boycott. Some noting that Rowling herself, being obscenely wealthy, would not even notice the financial effects if the game didn't sell well, while the developers who worked on it could find themselves out of a job if it doesn't do well. Others, doubling-down on the comments made by Rowling, are saying that they want to play the game spitefully to support Rowling, or that they wouldn't play the game at all for a reason other than Rowling's reputation. This boils down to multiple different factions within a larger group being at odds with themselves, as well as others in antagonistic groups, with a month still to go before the game officially launches.

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Comments 27 total


My clothes were made in sweatshops. The chocolate I ate this holiday was likely harvested by child slaves. I can buy cheap produce because the fruit companies killed thousands of people and overthrew democratically elected governments.

There are days I want to burn it all down.

But I'm not going to start with the woman who had some bad takes on Twitter.


Frenchy McFrog

I love how J.K Rowling became the reincarnation of Hitler just by saying that a woman have two X chromose.

Back in the XIXth century, Darwin said that "by compassion and humanity we have to tolerate idiot", because people started to use his theory to enforce social darwinism.

I highly doubt that Darwin would have that opinion if he saw the state of today's people intellect…


Pazu S.

I've read all the HP series, and never really got into 'em for some reason. They were good to pass the time, but personally, they always felt "meh", as I was more into stuff like Artemis Fowl or Fairy Oak Same with the movies: HP is a good enough franchise, it just wasn't for me.

I'm an avid reader, and throughout the years, had to inevitably deal with author related controversies, and when I learned about the drama with Rowling, an author I didn't care about to begin with, it all was "meh" to me, to me, too. I don't care if she is defended/praised, everyone has the right to like her/her books, and I also don't care if people attack her/insult her writing, as the opposite is true. She is an eminent figure and has boatloads of money, anything anyone does will never affect her at all, so it's all useless anyway. Maybe, seeing that I'm 1.not cis, 2.not het, and 3.not white, I should care more, but in the list of authors I do give a cr@p about, Rowling doesn't even begin to figure in my radar, and my personal life is a constant stream of stress inducing, precarious events, anyway, seeing as I live in a country were the average monthly wage is a hundred dollars and stuff such as laws and human rights don't really apply, so, y' know, I have my own priorities.

TL;DR: I'm not buying this game, not because of the whole drama, but because I don't have the money to waste, and even if I did, I'm not an HP fan to begin with.



I wonder how many slave rebellions and equal rights riots the player character will have to violently put down.
I am gonna say 3.

"Those hook nosed money grubbing goblins gotta learn that wands are only meant for real wizards. Gimble Vomit my house elf slave, spit shine my shoes and then get me a sandwich. I can't be the next hero of Hogwarts on an empty stomach."


King Crimson

Don't tell me what to do.



So I know its an unpopular opinion, Im sure, but I still cant believe this is such a huge issue for people.

Every time I hear about the whole "JK Rowling is evil" you'd swear she went on Twitter to support the total destruction of the LGBT or whatever.

Then I check what got her into hot water and its literally "Im a woman, I really dont want the idea of being a woman to be erased." or "I think calling someone 'A person who menstruates' is stupid.".

Maybe its because Im a straight white dude, maybe its because I'm not part of Gen Z(Im a millennial I guess? Technically?) but I have a hard time getting mad at these statements since I dont think she's really wrong.

Then again I dont know many trans people but it really feels like a majority of people just kind of jumped on a hate bandwagon without actually looking at what she said.

I mean, correct me if Im wrong but the tweets I looked at dont really give off a "I hate trans people" vibe.



A TON of it is just bandwagoning. And then it's being constantly pushed by histrionic narcissists who can't even consider the notion their ideology may have flaws. And then pushed some more by people who don't have the money to whether the consequences of speaking their mind on the matter like Rowling does.

What we're seeing here is a cult's reaction to an apostate who has a public platform but is beyond their reach. It's like a miniature version of what would happen if Tom Cruise renounced Scientology.



I mean compare to other anti-LGBTQ+ people that have actually power and control(like putin and saudis or a good number of the GOP leadership) Roweling feel like a weird target. I know this is coming from someone who cis-hetro, but alot of this seems like knee jerk reaction to finding out an author/creator of a piece of media you like is a annoying asshole.



You guys don't have to act like your race/gender/sexuality/etc. should effect your observations. These people don't need anymore benefit of the doubt.



I could care less about this game cause I’m more interested in The Owl House



Remember all of this is because JK Rowling gave a very milquetoast, kid-gloved critique of TRA ideology. She was pretty respectful about it and her words reflected concerns a lot of normal people had as well. It's one of those things that never stops feeling crazy watching her go from a beloved pop culture icon to being Judas for overly online millennials.

Except Judas actually DID something that made people hate him, not just express his opinion.



No it isn't, it's because she's been consistently transphobic for years and has made campaigning against trans right in the UK her highest political priority.



Yeah, but TRA's idea of "transphobia" and "trans rights" is so far outside of what a normal, rational person would expect those terms to mean that it really doesn't matter.

An accusation of transphobia feels like an accusation of normality. It's eventually going to become a compliment if TRAs don't get their act together.



Dude the shit she's said isn't even close to milquetoast (just the sheer right amount of disinfo on the data let alone other stuff that's just a rehash of the old gay scare, cause its always the same which is why I didn't jump on the bandwagon of hating on the new main out group cause its still flawed fucking nonsense, which makes it outright hateful) when you include all of it and not just limit it to the ones that look the best, and her "normal people" concerns are some of the general normies are easily fooled shit, like not knowing that normal is just an expected result, which trans is scientifically, rather than just the average or general lack of knowledge on the in-depth aspects.

Though not that shocking that some who tries to present trans advocates with religious dogma and still spreading the long known to be nonsense "oh look at these triggered people calling people acting like cunts cunts, fucking triggered", like after like almost all the guys called Nazis turned out to be that far right would lie like that.

People should really stop being so schizo about LGBT+, which you my nigga seem to be of believing shit reality doesn't indicate which is really sad.



for me it's the train of thought that brought them to think about the developers and how they "already got paid anyway" but not on either how this will hurt them financially in the long run (game doing badly HAS consequences on the studio, even if they already got paid) or how JK Rowling is not going to be affected financially by it in the slightest
just say you don't care about any of that and just want to see this IP burn, cause if you go down the rabbit hole of wanting to be supportive of the people that worked on it then you should by all means stop in your tracks and let it happen, a production like this in any media is always done and affects the lives of thousands of people all at once so again if the game does bad they're all gonna feel it. All of them besides JK, which has like unlimited money from unlimited sources (which are all linked to even more people, even the books themselves have editors and publishers that would get affected if boycotted)


Count Terranova

I really hate the "The Dev already got paid" people.
Like do they not understand how the world works (this is a retorical question).



No, they don't. I'm fairly certain there is direct correlation between how online someone is and how little they know about how the world works.



Harassment is heckin cute and valid, apparently.
