(Twitter / @VGCNews, @xaviersonline)

A TV show based on the video game series Halo is due to premiere on the Paramount+ streaming service this Thursday, March 24th, but is getting flak leading up to the release date after an admission from the show’s writers is going viral. Late last week, Variety published an article on the show that spoke to showrunners and actors who admitted they had little to no experience with the games their show is actually based on.

In particular, the quote "we didn’t look at the game" from showrunner Steven Kane stuck out to many fans who were already anxious about the video game's adaptation over prior backlash for design choices like Cortana. As such, Halo fans took to social media platforms like Twitter to air their frustrations with the series ahead of the premiere — though many are predicting that the series would not be good.

The show seems to center around a plot that involves Master Chief (the video game’s main character) developing empathy and beginning to disobey orders, as well as prominently feature an unknown spartan soldier and her rise through the ranks, but few exact details have been made clear — another point of worry expressed online.

Gaming industry publications and YouTubers have roasted it heavily in the last few weeks, with some reviewers, who have seen episodes in advance, calling the show “formulaic,” criticizing it for straying from the video game origins. TV Guide called it “shamelessly derivative … but fun to watch.” So, the best defense some reviewers seem able to mount for the series runs along the lines of “it’s so bad, it’s good.”

Notable YouTuber Cr1tikal dropped an early take and said, "Imagine if CD Projekt Red said they 'didn't look at the books' when making The Witcher games, actually insane."

The Halo television series was originally supposed to be released in 2015. After almost a decade of development hell, hundreds of draft scripts, millions of dollars and three more canceled release dates, the series will finally arrive on streaming platform Paramount+ this week. Stay tuned for the public reaction when the show actually drops on Thursday.

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Comments 6 total


Maybe they'll go the Kevin Smith route, kill Master Chief off in the first episode, then have Cortana et al looking for ways to bring him back for the next 5 episodes.

Then blame internet manbabies for its failure



I suppose it's too much to hope for that what they mean is they looked at the novels instead?

…Yeah. I don't believe that either.



Halo 4 actively hired people who actually hated the Halo games to work on it so… this is a step up from that at least?


A Concerned Rifleman

You know, at least they're being honest about not knowing the source material this time around, instead of trying to say "it's for the fans" or whatever nonsense catchphrase of the week is.



I've read it somewhere that the two most important characters in this show are a new villain woman that doesn't exist in the games, and a new heroine that also doesn't exist in the games.



Is Alex Kurtsman involved in any way shape or form with this? Because this sure seems like his "Meh, I know what I'm doing, I don't need source material" approach to film making.
