(Twitter / @StephenRBarnard, @Lycan_blues, @rachelgoes262)

Sandwiched between Baby Boomers and Millennials, two of the demographically largest generations in American history, many members of Gen X have long expressed that they've been unjustly neglected. Every now and then, Gen Xers take to social media to convey these feelings.

The recent hashtag "#ProofGenXExists" is trending across Twitter amid the viral debate as Gen Xers post about how they are, in fact, real.

The trend rapidly turned towards nostalgia-posting as people reminisced about products and media from their alleged 1980s and 1990s childhoods.

Others mentioned inter-generational experiences, expressing appreciation for the Silent Generation and the Greatest Generation — but not for Boomers, Zoomers or Millennials.

Many also seemed to parody the hashtag as well, mocking the claims of Gen X through memes and other humorous tweets.

Every few weeks, the generations clash online, with Gen X frequently instigating. In return, Gen X has been called many names, including the Karen generation. Often, the feuds are over technology, as shown in this helpful chart:

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Comments 2 total


Gen Xers will save the world from the devastation of the Boomers.



Might be a lil late for that.
