You heard it right — Tumblr, which banned all adult content back in November 2018, is bringing back nudity.

Following the recent introduction of Community Labels meant for filtering the content users get on their dashboards, Tumblr has announced via new community guidelines and a policy change that it will now welcome "a broader range of expression, creativity and art," which includes content depicting the naked human form, aka "sensitive content."

However, Tumblr is not yet back to its pre-2019 state, as any depictions of sexually explicit acts remain off-limits. A few months back, the company's CEO Matt Mullenweg wrote a blog post in which he discussed why Tumblr's famous "Go nuts, show nuts" policy that was in place since the site's launch in 2007 till the infamous adult content ban in late 2018 just couldn't work in 2022, putting the blame on anti-porn policies at credit card companies and app stores.

To enable nudity, violence and other adult content on Tumblr, users must visit the "Community labels" section in the Settings and disable the filters.

Though not a full 180, the change found positive reception on Tumblr and other sites as users rushed to test its limits, posting "the human form" under "#nudity" and other hashtags. We're not gonna show you the results, but here, read these takes instead.

Life may not be giving us lemons, but hey, we'll take oranges for now.

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Comments 9 total

Pro Superstar

Strange how the overlap between internet crazies and boobie artists has been implied but never mentioned in the same sentence as the same person.
Oh right, the term Coomer exists for a reason. I guess they go hand in hand, now that I think about it.



This mean they're not gonna delete and ban rape survivor support groups for containing the word "rape" anymore?



"However, Tumblr is not yet back to its pre-2019 state, as any depictions of sexually explicit acts remain off-limits"



Relax guys… they are merely taking a Deviant Art approach.

Nudity: Yes.
Sex/Porn: No.

So no, your favorite hentai and R34 artists will NOT be allowed back on Tumblr.



What?! Deviant Art is like that?! Man they are fucking hypocrates.



Holy fuck …. welp, twitter might actually die after all .

in all seriousness tho , I hope tumblr doesnt become a toxic hellsite again , I enjoy what I see in it now a days , also , this change might be a little too late.



Too little, too late.



Hopefully Tumblr will become the crazy people containment zone it used to be.
