disney star wars galactic cruiser ad

If you ever wondered how much it would cost to live in the Star Wars universe for a weekend, wonder no longer: it's $6,000.

Yesterday, Disney dropped a commercial for Galactic Starcruiser, an interactive, 2-day adventure at a hotel at the UK Disneyworld in which participants essentially LARP as Star Wars characters. Coming in 2022, the Galactic Starcruiser will feature lightsaber and bridge crew training and promises that guests will meet Star Wars characters and help them with missions. The attraction invites guests to dress up as characters in the film to further immerse themselves.

This all looks potentially incredible for Star Wars fans, but inevitably, many will be shut out from the experience because of the price. A stay for a couple with no children starts at $4,809. The price for 3 adults and 1 child starts at $6,000. Of course, numerous factors could increase the hefty price tag: the listed starting fares are off-peak, off-season fares. A room with a "window" that looks out into space could also be an additional cost.

A sample itinerary provided by Disney shows a 7am-11pm day filled with Star Wars LARPing and "unexpected story moments" where a guest may be asked to broker a shipping deal or aid a stowaway on the ship. Because of the interactive nature of the event, guests could potentially come back to experience all that the Galactic Starcruiser has to offer… if they want to shell out another $5k-$6k.

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Kenetic Kups

Guided age 2 electric boogaloo



It's best to not look at this like a hotel stay & more like a themed cruise. Exspensive as all hell, yea, but to take your kids as a once in a lifetime thing, I'd be a memory.

That's assuming all go according to plan. Could be shit for all I know.



Presumably this includes two nights, which normally costs about $1k at a Disney-branded hotel that's park-adjacent. The remaining $5k is two 16-hour days of entertainment for four people. 5000 / 32 / 4 = $39 per hour. You're basically paying typical stage show rates, it's just that the show lasts a very long time.
