(Twitter / @PapaBearsTweet)

Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip and outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, tweeted an ultimatum at the United States government following the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, telling the FBI they had “48 hours to explain” what they’d done.

Today, following the 48-hour window he gave the government to justify its raid on Mar-a-Lago to his satisfaction, Adams tweeted that “phase 2” would now begin.

Adams wrote in his vague tweet that “all options are on the table,” and while no real explanation was given, many on Twitter interpreted it as an allusion to possible violence against the government.

Adams has been known to post out-there tweets in the past, leading some left-leaning people and other social media users to dismiss and mock his comments.

As his "phase 2" message began generating viral discussions, the Dilbert creator responded to his critics, taking credit for making the hashtag "#Dilbert" trend on Twitter today.

Fears of violence against the FBI were then amplified earlier this morning after a gunman attempted to enter an FBI office in Cincinnati, Ohio and, once detected, fled the scene, reportedly engaging in a shootout in a cornfield.

Following the incident, many right-leaning media outlets and Republican politicians seemed divided about how to respond. Some, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, are calling to "defund the FBI" and sharing unfounded claims about the agency.

Others are attempting to square the party’s longtime backing of law enforcement with its support of a former President who now finds himself at odds with law enforcement. Many called for peace and moderation while criticizing the FBI heavily. There are also reportedly plans for rallies and protests at FBI offices around the country, including Washington, D.C. on Sunday, August 14th.

On the other side, many on the left were highly disturbed by the rhetoric surrounding the FBI raid and by the cornfield car chase and gunfight.

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Comments 6 total


Scott Adams is one of those people who's good at what he's paid to do (make office humor jokes) but is taken too much with the smell of his own farts these days. He called Orangeus Toupeeius getting into the OO and has been riding that ego wave ever since.



Remember this is the same guy who said that he would be killed by now if Biden was elected and that Republicans would be "hunted". And also posted "erotic Christmas hypnosis", which is not exactly relevant but is hilarious.


Amauri E. Alcantara

Wait, "erotic Christmas hypnosis"? What was the context that prompted him to discuss about his fetishes in public?



It came right the fuck out of nowhere. It was around Christmas, at least, so it was seasonally appropriate. Hypnosis is apparently something he believes himself capable of.


winton overwat

Not really that surprising that the "Lock Her Up!" crowd is suddenly against the police when they're about to Lock Him Up
