This story has been updated to reflect that Fabian Marta has been cleared of charges.

Fabian Marta, a financier who contributed to the $5 million crowdfunded production of the QAnon-linked child kidnapping thriller Sound of Freedom that was released last summer, has been cleared of child kidnapping charges in Missouri after being arrested over the summer.

The situation began unfolding following a July 10th thread by Twitter user and podcaster Jim Stewartson, saying he'd "heard" the film would face some controversy related to Marta soon. Over the course of a lengthy thread, Stewartson told a story about how Marta was an enthusiast of the "Sugar Daddy / Sugar Baby" lifestyle and held "boot camps" in which he and partner Jessica "Laurent" Clark would teach women how to "Sugar," meaning to enter relationships in which wealthy men would pay them in exchange for sexual services.

According to Stewartson, there was no age requirement for these "boot camps," meaning underage women could purportedly sign up. However, these claims appear to have been unsubstantiated.

Eleven days after Stewartson's thread, Marta was then charged with child trafficking. He was arrested two days later. Marta's name notably appears in Sound of Freedom's credits and he bragged about financing the film on Facebook, though he was one of thousands who donated a small sum.

Twitter / LauraAnnSTL

On September 25th, USA Today reported that a grand jury determined there was insufficient evidence to support a conviction. The charges concerned a situation where Marta was housing a woman and her two kids amidst the woman's custody dispute.

His lawyer, Scott Rosenblum, told the press that Marta was "merely providing living space" to the group. The court decided that it was a "misunderstanding" between Marta and the group's relatives, and "there was no kidnapping."

At the time of the arrest, the irony of Marta being arrested for child kidnapping was not lost on those following the story, as conspiracy theories about child kidnapping are a hallmark of QAnon, which is part of what has fueled Sound of Freedom's popularity with those who follow the highly controversial movement.

Twitter / jdpoc

Twitter / Wiseman36

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Comments 19 total

Markus FB

With the recent news I think this quote is very relevant.



qtards try not to seethe challenge (impossible)



who contributed $5 million

Is there a source for that? I found one post of his saying he rescued the film through his contribution, but I haven't been able to find an exact amount yet.

From a different source I read, it says "who contributed to the $5 million crowdfunded investment".



Millionaire conservative mega donor be like



Oh good, now go after all the other creepy producers and shady directors who are in Hollywood. Almost all of them are scum.



Somehow, I doubt this guy was QAnon.


Markus FB

"The palpable irony was music to the ears of those critical of the controversial."
Imagine being glad that something like this happened. I didn't think the guy was actually involved in writing this either.


Geigh Science

aaaaaaaaand here come the pearlclutchers to disingenuously try to throw guilt at people who knew something about this was off from the start and are now feeling vindicated


Geigh Science

I'm on record as having stated, two or three weeks ago, that "no one will be talking about this movie in 3 weeks"

… They found a hilarious way to prove me wrong on that. Heartbreaking.



Let the "FED!"/"FALSE FLAG!" thought-stopping exercises begin!



Well, if the guy's guilty of the charges, then it is by definition a false flag yes.


Geigh Science

how are we defining "false flag" here



Could you elaborate? I'm not sure we're understanding the term in the same way here.
