Emu girl and Emmanuel together while he is sick, and a tweet describing the situation.
(Twitter / @hiitaylorblake, @janepawstun)

News that Emmanuel Todd Lopez, the most famous emu on TikTok, is sick with a highly virulent avian flu hit the bird’s supporters almost as hard as the purportedly racist slur-filled tweets of his owner Taylor Blake that recently surfaced. Now, many on Twitter are calling to cancel her.

Emmanuel is ill with a flu virus that has infected many other birds at the farm where he lives. Posts and videos from his owner, Taylor Blake, showed the emu recuperating in physical therapy and receiving care.

One picture in particular, which showed Blake cuddling and appearing to kiss the sick Emmanuel, generated controversy from epidemiologists. They argued that being so close to a bird with the flu is dangerous since animal flu viruses can often jump to humans (like coronavirus did). But it wasn’t just public health Twitter that was bothered by Blake’s posting.

Old tweets from 2012 and 2015, in which Blake purportedly used the N-word and argued with people online about race, were originally rediscovered in May 2020, leading to the composition of many long threads in recent days criticizing her.

Posters also recalled Blake’s long career on the outskirts of internet fame. Before her emu-posting era, she did characters including a Karen impression. She was also a contestant on a YouTuber reality show called Reality House in 2019, where she seemed to annoy many by speaking loudly.

Revelations about Blake’s career and alleged conduct online led many to reconsider their previous adoration for Emmanuel the Emu and his owner.

The scandal seemed to follow a classic internet pattern — an original post beloved by many inspires a backlash, which then inspires more interest and therefore more backlash in a neverending cycle. Like Brother Nature before her, Emmanuel the Emu’s owner has learned that controversy is a part of everything and the past is never past online.

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Comments 6 total


Never trust an "animal" girl.



Welp, I knew something felt off about her …



She's a weirdo, but hardly a racist.
