Elon Musk holding a big Toblerone

Elon Musk,the billionaire entrepreneur who wants to solve the traffic jam with a 3D tunnel system and start a Martian settlement in the next decade, wants everyone to know that he’s got some free time on his hands. After spending the last few years or so trying to squash unionization at Tesla with some free frozen yogurt, the real-life Tony Stark of our generation has been floating out some new ideas on Twitter.

Musk seems to see himself as the type of billionaire that makes decisions on a whim and whose every idea must be mined for gold. You might remember two years ago, while he was bored in traffic, he tossed out the idea to solve traffic with a “boring” idea. The Boring Company, as it would be come to be known, ended up being some sort of a flame thrower manufacturer--though they plan on building some underground tunnels in the future. Oh, and to top it all off, he also launched his personal Tesla Roadster into space earlier this year. Musk seems intent on appearing like an adult-version of the kid from the movie Blank Check.

In his latest attempt at making the world a better place, Musk tweeted that he plans to venture into candy business over the weekend. And though some of us can't help but think he is taking the wrong leaf out of Roald Dahl's classic fantasy novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. At least Musk acknowledged seemed to think that the story of a deranged chocolatier, who not only nearly murdered child guests of his factory, but also exploited and enslaved of Oompa Loompas, was "a little messed up," it doesn’t seem to be discouraging him from throwing his hat in the candy ring--and we're not just talking Ring Pops.

While Musk is apparently “super super serious” about the idea, he hasn't really revealed much as to what this candy company will be like. What kind of candy are we talking about? Is he trying to reinvent the Dippin' Dots? Will it feed his Martian settlers of the near future?

Musk, riding the wave of more than 40,000 retweets, decided to ask people what they want out of his would-be candy company. Surprisingly, most people called for unionization--go figure.

Resigned to take these ideas and do nothing with them, Musk finished off his candy-inspired (and possibly fueled) tweet storm by just throwing the word “Crypto” in front of “candy” and calling a day.

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Comments 23 total

Sportacus the great



toy soldier #5813




Care to elaborate? Genuinely curious.


toy soldier #5813

Well, of all the things I can think of in general, he underpays his employees by a minor but still notable amount, he takes all the credit for projects he did little to actually make possible, he claims to be in competition with NASA despite taking half his funding from it, he does nothing in terms of things that are actually useful while focusing on projects that ultimately have very little benefit in the long run other than “it’s cool”, and distracts people from these things by trying to be “hip” (I.E. playing Fortnite, selling flamethrowers, etc).
And I haven’t said it all!



Next is: Elon Musk and the Chocolate Factory.


Youyou Meme

Well, iF tHis CanDy Doesn't cUre cAnceR Then iMpeaCh Muzkpf


Potoo Brigham

I mean sure, your employees are mad, and you continue to fall behind on your Model 3 production figures, even while announcing more and more on the way, but hey, the world needs to be a tad sweeter.


El piso

Fully automated gay chocolate factory



i dont want to know what a fully automated gay chocolate factory is



Sounds like a porn term. I have a pretty good idea what it would mean too.



>musk says that he's starting a candy company, nothing else
>immediate controversy about workforces??

well i guess twitter gotta be angry about something


Sunnie Bot v4

To be a little fair Elon just seems to invest a lot of money into fun ideas because there's literally nothing stopping him from doing what he wants. The problem is that since he clearly has no problem investing on these ideas on almost a whim people are annoyed he doesn't put it towards things that other people really need. I have no idea what the work conditions are in Tesla factories so I won't comment on them, but I wouldn't mind him doing some kind of donation to this countries crumbling infrastructure.



If Elon wants to act like a child with limitless resources and fund whatever he wants I say let him, it is his money after all. if he wants to use his money to throw a car into space instead of funding cancer research or something that's his prerogative


Winday, Furries Pirate

I bet Willy Wonka's worker have union so they can sue the shit out of him for dangerous workplace.


Kenetic Kups

Because unions are alsways a selfless force for good


Commissar Eski

Come to Illinois and say that.


Lurker Extraordinaire

I don't need to. I live in Brazil. I know how corrupt any organization can get, but I still stand by what I said.



I was considering starting a small business with my dad but I forgot that rampant corruption in Michigan's state and local governments has led to Flint, Michigan being without clean tap water and also there are children starving in Africa so I guess no one should start any businesses ever until we have achieved global denuclearization and cured cancer.
