(X / @atrupar)

In replies to a Tesla Owners Club fan account earlier today, Elon Musk has announced that he intends to remove the "block" feature from X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

While this decision will surely cause a stir online, it's worth noting that this isn't the first time that Musk has announced a policy change through replies to a stan account, and it remains to be seen if this will actually happen.

Musk clarified that the "mute" function will still exist, but for many creators and users, that simply wasn't enough. Some of the opponents to this decision so far today have argued that removing the "block" function would put them in danger.

Others also argued that the changes would never occur because in order to be listed on Apple's App Store, a social media app actually needs a "block" feature according to its guidelines.

In cases of abuse, Apple states that users need to be able to cut off contact and not see posts from people who are targeting them. So if X really goes forward with this change, it's possible that people would not be able to download the app on Apple products.

As word rapidly spread online today, users came up with possible reasons for the new policy, ranging from Musk's own personal preferences to business considerations.

Some took the opportunity (like with all Musk announcements) as a chance to make memes about the man who now seems to be the permanent main character of the platform — and to point out the fact that Elon Musk himself purportedly uses and benefits from the "block" feature.

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Comments 12 total


Musk has been blocking people that have been mocking him over this.



This guy is the gift that keeps on giving, I will laugh my ass off if Apple actually cans Twi- Sorry, X.



On one hand, it might get the app removed. On the other hand, anything to tear down the echo chambers everybody barricaded themselves into.



It's like if Ham the chimp astronaut started trying to control the rocket. Just randomly, cluelessly, helplessly pushing buttons to exert some kind of control.


King Crimson

How does being able to block abusive users "make no sense"? I swear, I will never understand how Elon has so many Stans when he continuously reveals himself to be one of the dumbest men alive.



I get the feeling he's more used to being an abuser than being abused.



Doesn't make sense how?



We'll never know. Most likely neither will he.



I understand they'll be removing block, but not mute. Can someone who uses Twitter explain what the difference is?


winton overwat

Mute only removes the user from your timeline but you can still see each other's Tweets and interact with them.

Block makes reading and interaction impossible.



Mute: you mute words within posts but not accounts, your frontend still receives the data of the post, it's just not initially shown
Block: Happens on accounts, the system won't even load the data of the posts from the server.

i.e. I mute the @getvideobot and whatever downloader account names, so I don't see the post of people tagging them, and I block these bots so I don't have to see their replies with the video link, since they shit up almost every video related reply page
