(Twitter / @Elon)

Elon Musk has seemingly been in damage control mode since yesterday when he was alerted that a story of a female flight attendant accusing him of exposing himself to her and buying her silence for an alleged $250,000 was due to come out shortly. First, he prepped the world for upcoming dastardly political attacks coming against him, then announced he had decided to become a Republican.

His next bit of 4D chess PR has been to challenge his accuser to "describe just one thing [about him] that isn’t known by the public" — which many on Twitter perceived as "name one defining feature about his penis" (despite no specificity of such mentioned by him).

While Musk appeared to confidently assert that his accuser could not provide a defining characteristic of his, such as a "scar" or "tattoo," the fact he even brought it up made Twitter wonder what the heck is going on "down there" for Mr. Musk.

There are likely more details about the exposure accusation that will come out in the following days. For example, there will surely be more information coming out regarding the claim that Musk purportedly offered to buy the flight attendant a horse in exchange for an erotic massage, or the claim that she was allegedly "encouraged" to become a masseuse after taking the flight attendant gig so that she could give Elon massages.

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Comments 5 total


It's utterly hilarious to me that this story – which a few years ago would have been a weeks long scandal – is buried in less than 2 days. The state of our society.



Political parties are an illusion of choice, and there is very little that actually changes. Biden even admitted to this in 2020 saying "nothing will fundamentally change". Democrats and GOP heads all eat lunch at the same table and go to the same after hours parties and many switch political party if they think it will give them a seat. It's like when sports fans are punching each other in the stands, then the players of both teams are cracking beers with each other after a game.



Doubt he cares anything about political differences between republicans and democrats. Just knows appealing to Right wing Anti-'cancel culture' sentiment is more likely to get him sympathy.

TBH while the jury is still out on this it seems likely to me that he did it because a woman going up against the worlds richest man just for attention, doesn't make sense due to public harassment, lengthy legal battles etc that would be involved



Guarantee it's a smear campaign since he went republican.



The accusation was made beforehand, so, no. But it may be his doing something controversial and then preemptively "predicting" smear campaigns is having its intended effect anyway.
