On Monday, future Twitter owner hopeful Elon Musk tweeted out a meme, as he often does. This time, however, things did not go as they normally do. Instead of the usual hahas, trolls and crypto scams inundating the replies, it was instead full of callouts, for the meme itself was from an article made by Hard Drive Magazine (one piece of the trifecta of satire news websites) and the people were letting him know.

The situation escalated when Hard Drive themselves tweeted at Musk, creating a back and forth in which Hard Drive created a new article solely to spite Musk, who said that it was unfunny like an SNL skit. This turned out to be an easy "self-own" for Hard Drive to use, as Musk seemingly forgot that his Wario Elon Musk appearence on SNL was so disliked of an event that it actually helped to tank the value of Dogecoin the night it happened.

Though Musk deleted his tweets shortly after, it was too late as more people took notice of the bubbling Twitter beef, with some calling the whole situation a massive L for him.

After all was said and done, Hard Drive did the polite thing and apologized to Musk, writing an entire article about it on its website and tweeting it out for people to get an update on.

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Comments 6 total


There's always a lot to criticize about the richest man on the planet. But "He stole a meme." has got to be one of the saddest, most desperate attempts to dunk on someone I've ever seen. Talk about the working conditions in his factories. Or his attitude towards unions. Or environmental protections.

Gen Z progressives really seem like they're feeling the same fear and anxiety over the thought of him buying twitter as we did after 9/11.



β†’"Talk about the working conditions in his factories. Or his attitude towards unions. Or environmental protections."
Again? Can we please not?
I mean, people have been talking about it for so long…… and yet as always all it did was what just talking about a something does, nothing.
Memeing him for the smallest bullshit at the very least feels funny, because of his 100% garanteed over reactions and tauntrums.


A Concerned Rifleman

Memes? Being stolen? On the internet?

My god, what a heinous crime, memes are sacred, and belong to the place where they're posted, it's not like the internet culture consists of a hybrid human centipede-Ouroboros of reposts upon reposts upon reposts until the entire thing is so homogenized it's considered safe for consumption by the FDA.



It's all right. He apparently agreed enough to delete it!



The notable thing isn't that he stole a meme. It's that he got hilariously defensive about it. If he'd just said "sorry, the attribution was stripped when I found it" like a normal person, instead of acting like a petulant teenager, we'd never have heard about it.



It's not a meme though. It's a joke article from a specific website. Not everything funny on the internet is a meme.
