(Twitter / @CharaSoon)

Infamous Elden Ring boss Malenia, Blade of Miquella has never known defeat, but fans can purchase the arm of the Waterfowl Dance-ing menace soon, according to a recent announcement by Bandai Namco.

Twitter / BandaiNamco

In the game, Malenia wears a golden-clad prosthetic arm, which she uses to tear through helpless players not named Let Me Solo Her.

Some fans believe they can use Malenia's prosthetic arm to "solo" themselves if quote-tweets about the merch drop are to be believed.

Twitter / pos_pisces

Twitter / rivens_voices

Twitter / BioticNova

Last week, Bandai Namco advertised a figurine for Messmer, the apparent Big Bad in the upcoming Elden Ring DLC, captioning its YouTube video advertising the product with the line "Treat yourself to 18 inches of Messmer the Impaler."

Perhaps Bandai Namco didn't catch how PlayStation triggered an entire fanbase to giggle like sixth graders when it advertised 19 inches of Venom last year. Then again, maybe it did.

Whatever the case, memers' risqué sense of humor is doing much of the heavy lifting in advertising these products online, which the arm may need, as fans expect it'll cost a pretty penny.

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Comments 3 total


Big day for both the Elden Ring and Lesbian community, or just people in general who want her hand for purposes.


Nox Lucis

>"Treat yourself to 18 inches of Messmer the Impaler."
Okay, there's no way that wasn't on purpose.
