As if the NFT space couldn’t get any more surprising, Edward Snowden, former CIA member and infamous NSA leaker, just closed out his own crypto art auction today with another historic sale.

Beginning yesterday, the NFT was listed on the crypto art platform Foundation, and after running for 24 hours (with some last-minute extensions pushing it over the usual time), it sold today for 2,224.00 ETH, which comes out to around $5.4 million.

Titled “Stay Free,” the unique crypto art portrays Snowden’s face, based on a photo by visual artist Platon, embedded within the pages of the landmark court decision that the Patriot Act did not permit mass collection and surveillance of Americans' phone records by the NSA.

According to Snowden himself, the proceeds of the auction will be donated to the Freedom of the Press Foundation, where he also sits on the board of directors for the non-profit.

At $5.4 million, this NFT is now among the highest-selling crypto art pieces to be sold so far, even among the recent craze that saw digital artist Beeple selling his collection for a record $69 million last month.

At this time, this is Snowden’s only NFT up for auction, so it’s unknown if he has any future plans for more.

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Comments 6 total

blank profile pic

this ain't necessarily relevant, but…
Bruh, peep this one. Like really, peep this one.



I guess his fame for being a Whistleblower has finally faded away. He's looking for another gimmick.



What the fuck is the point of these things. Only morons think they have value



It's money laundering for people who are already rich or famous. There is no point other than to trade them for insane amounts of money.



It make as much sens as instead of spending 200 bucks on a gold plated watch you spend 20 000 bucks on a gold plated watch with "rolex" writen on it. Rich people have so much money that they just don't know what to do with it to a point that they spend fortunes on literaly nothing just for the sake of braging that they spent that much money because they could.



Especially since… you know what else a "Non Fungible Token" is?

Actual physical money!

Every bill or coin is a token with a fixed value attached to it. No, you can not cut a $50 bill in half and then say you have two $25 bills. The bill only retains it's value as a complete one and that value will be the same, therefor making it non-fungible.

And a physical money transaction only takes a fraction of the CO2 (yes this includes the production of the money) than those fucking NFT do!
