Drake Posted Hentai On His Instagram Story In Anticipation For His New Album 'Her Loss' With 21 Savage


Published November 04, 2022

In both a predictable and highly unpredictable manner, rapper Drake posted hentai on his Instagram story last night, with some speculating it was to draw hype for his new album Her Loss made in collaboration with 21 Savage.

On Twitter, TikTok and Instagram itself, fans of Drake, as well as his haters, reacted to the odd hornyposting that came from the Toronto, Canada native.

Of course, much of the internet knows that Drake is a little rambunctious when it comes to women, as it's prevalent in his music that frequently references intercourse on a whim.

However, now they also know that Drake the type of guy to post some explicit anime girls for streams on his album. It's safe to say that the IG story proved viral for the notable rapper, whether that was his intent or not.

It seems that the album is about a lost "sneaky link" of Drake's, so maybe he sees a little bit of her in these anime women that he's sharing. That seems to be the only explanation as of now for the odd posting.

Regardless, Drake's publicity stunt of the NSFW nature seems to have worked, as most of social media is streaming and reacting to Her Loss right now.
