Dolly Parton Is One The Major Funders Of Moderna's COVID Vaccine, Astounding Twitter And Dolly Parton


Published 4 years ago

Earlier this week, the internet was astounded to learn that Dolly Parton partially funded the development of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine. Dolly Parton was also astounded to learn this.

In several media appearances Tuesday, Parton exclaimed her pride and surprise at her involvement in Moderna creating a vaccine that the company reports is 94.5% effective against COVID-19.

"I'm just very grateful that this is happening, and if I had anything to do with it, that's great," she told TODAY.

In April, Parton donated $1 million to Vanderbilt University Medical Center's Covid-19 research efforts. Evidently, that money made its way to Moderna's creation of its vaccine, something Parton herself didn't know until her name appeared in a list of sponsors of the preliminary results of the vaccine.

While Parton was surprised and "thrilled" to be a part of funding the promising vaccine, her joy was shared with Twitter users who united to say Dolly Parton rules.

Some even felt that Parton would be a perfect political candidate, perhaps illustrating how broken Americans have been by the endless 2020 Election.
