DecisionDeskHQ, a reputable election analysis organization referenced by myriad news outlets, has projected that Joe Biden has won the United States Presidential Election, defeating Donald Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.

Over the course of last night, Biden took the lead in Pennsylvania, as mail-in ballots from Democratic-leaning counties came in overwhelmingly for the former Vice President. With more votes to be counted in Pennsylvania from Democratic countries, a victory for Biden in the state seems all but certain. A win in Pennsylvania gives Joe Biden 273 electoral votes, more than the 270 needed to win the Presidency.

At this point, the other states which have yet to be called--Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, North Carolina and a Maine congressional district--would matter only towards the final margin of victory. Biden is ahead in Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona, while it is expected Trump will win Alaska, North Carolina, and the Maine district. Realistically, Joe Biden may end the election with as many as 306 electoral votes.

DecisionDeskHQ first made the call at 8:50 A.M.

Their call has informed other news organizations to project Biden as the victor, including Vox and, somewhat amusingly, PopCrave. Networks have been more reticent in calling the race, though most have said Biden is on "the verge" of being declared the victor.

The Trump campaign has signaled that Trump will refuse to concede and engage in litigation challenging the counts in all the states the President is behind in. A memo from the Trump campaign complains about aspects of counts in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, but legal experts have said that these challenges are frivolous at best, as the Trump team has presented no evidence to support a legal challenge, and they are unlikely to sway the election.

Regarding Trump's threats of legal challenges, a statement from Biden campaign advisor Andrew Bates said, "As we said on July 19th, the American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House."

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Comments 8 total


INB4 "Murican Civil War 2: Electric Bogaloo" premieres out.

Seriously, what a shitshow country.



i think calls of a civil war are overhyped. republicans are breaking from trump (and those that are "with" him--cruz, graham, nikki haley-- are angling for his coalition) and while there have been protests, it isn't as "mass" as some people have feared



Idk man, literally every thing that you wouldn't imagine could happen has happened since 2016. What would stop things from getting even messier? My bet is things gonna keep getting worse, maybe not in the immediate future, but sooner or later they will. A single election can't stop the long process of overall decomposition that's happening in the country, of which Trump is the most explicit symptom.



Hey, I don't disagree with you there, but without Trump fueling the fire, it's difficult to imagine the fire being fueled to the extent it's been through 2016. cut off the head, the body dies, etc



I would point out that massive Democratic fraud probably would not have produced states that went for Biden while also going for the GOP senator, but I'm sure "That's just to make the fraud seem more realistic!" is all I would get back.


Kekkles the Kek

Nevermind the fact that, if you were actually smart/powerful enough to actually rig an election with "voter fraud", you wouldn't make it so blatantly obvious that random anons on 4chan could immediately spot it.


Generic Nick

Maybe it's because people are stupid enough to believe it/won't do anything about it anyway?



It's called "counting". Nothing fraudulent about it.

>Biden tells folks to stay safe and vote per mail
>Trump tells them to not do that and vote in person
>Republicans mostly vote in the booth democrats per mail
>mail is counted last

Well golly gee, the final votes are almost exclusively Biden, who could have known?

Also counting paper ballots/mail ballots is not electronic one at a time, but per hand, so it works in stacks which is why you sometimes see one candidate get more counts but nobody else does, because that current stack was finished and reported.

So no, they don't add in votes one at a time, that is WAY too inefficient and it would take even longer… you do it in waves.
