Superman kissing his boyfriend Jay Nakamura from DC Comics.

It has been announced by DC Comics that the next issue of the Superman comic will have him coming out as bisexual after a kiss is shared between Jon Kent, the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and Jay Nakamura, a journalist in the series and the boyfriend of Jon.

The news comes only two months after Robin came out as bisexual as well, leading some to question who the next possible LGBTQ character could be. As expected, the reaction online has been mixed between those who support the move and those who were unhappy or annoyed with this development in the character.

Despite the early dissidents speaking out about the sexuality choice for the character, there were many who were very happy to see this change made. The joy came in the form of three distinct key aspects presented. The first, that Jon Kent as an original character is bisexual instead of just making Clark Kent gay is a good push towards new characters with new stories. The second, that Jay Nakamura can now be seen as a gay Asian representation within the medium. The last, that Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent now both have bisexual sons.

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Comments 16 total


When I thought "Clark" was made Bi, I rolled my eyes. Then I found out it was Jon II, I was kind of just "yeah, sure". Then I remembered that Dick was also Bi and both Arrowverse Barry and Ollie have gay kids and how every third Arrowverse character is gay/bi and I realize that DC is just checking boxes now.



I never even heard of no Jon before.


Square Memester

Anyone notice that he looks like Lucca from Chrono Trigger?



Superman should not be fucking anyone. Superman should not have sex ever. The force of his hip thrusts would destroy more than bussy or dick, it would crater the earth.


Chocolate Donut

I bet another Kryptonian could handle those thrusts. Maybe someone like his cousin, Supergirl. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Jesus, this is literally the most misleading headline I've ever read.



As I've seen pointed out elsewhere… he can fuck whoever he wants, just try and stop him. He's the goddamn Superman.



How is this supposed to be an issue? They're not making the established Superman character gay, it's his son, and the amount of misleading headlines regarding this key detail is embarrassing.



From one of the posts here I think it's because people are assuming it's Clark Kent Superman and not Jon Kent Superman. They're assuming Clark's sexuality is being retconned.


Amauri E. Alcantara

Oh wow, so it is a completely different character. They could at least change the design of his suit if they are going to make him look so similar to avoid confusion.


No One Is Immune to Bias

Shame on KnowYourMeme for writing just "Superman" in the title of this article despite clarifying in the article that it's a different character. This was clearly intended for outrage and counter outrage clicks.
