No, Daniel Radcliffe Does Not Have Coronavirus


Published 4 years ago

An eye-rolling bit of fake news spread through Twitter yesterday as a very clearly fake Twitter account posing as BBC News Tonight duped journalists into thinking Harry Potter and Guns Akimbo actor Harry Potter had contracted the Coronavirus.

The first clue this tweet was fake should have been its word salad phrasing. It's tough to imagine the BBC would tweet out "The actor is said to be the first famous person to be publically confirmed." The second clue was that the account that tweeted the news had roughly 140 followers before getting suspended. The third clue was that the link included in the tweet led to nothing regarding Radcliffe and the Coronavirus.

Nevertheless, the tweet was amplified by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, Politico editor Blake Hounshell and others, who shared the news uncritically, leading to complete bewilderment on the timeline.

The fake BBC account was quickly deleted, but a poor week for fact-checking and journalism continues.
