TikTok cosplayer Yandere Freak, real name Mary Anne Oliver-Snow and previously known as "Snow the Salt Queen," is receiving online scrutiny after court filings were made public revealing that they accidentally shot and killed a friend back in January.

The TikToker, who uses they/them pronouns and has over 1.6 million followers on their main account @yandere.freak (now private) and 26,000 on their alt @feral.yandere, recently changed the name of their primary account from @snowthesaltqueen to Yandere.Freak after court filings were released detailing the manslaughter charges. According to the filings, Snow accidentally shot and killed their college friend Helen Hastings around January 17th with an ex-boyfriend's gun while they were drunk. The two were watching Gotham and Snow said they had a gun like the show's villain. They went and got the gun, believing that it had no bullets in it. Hastings then asked to be "shot" by the empty gun and Snow obliged, killing her.

Snow has been receiving heavy criticism online for the charges, including for not taking the crime seriously enough, continuing to post videos after it and changing their name to hide their identity. They've also been noted as an example of white privilege in the cosplay community by some. The latter accusation seemed to stem from the belief that their father is a senator and bailed them out, although this is untrue. Some also pointed out what looks like an ankle monitor in Snow's recent videos. Many cosplayers are calling for Snow to be banned from cosplay conventions.

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Comments 8 total

NFTs are bad for the enviroment

>killed someone, doesn't take it seriously
>poses on graves

Yet again, I agree that TikTok should've been banned anyways.



Shouldn't it be womanslaughter?


Excitebot theLEGO

Waaaaaaait, waitwaitwaitwaitwait…
3 COUNTS of manslaughter?!



"after accidentally shooting her friend to death in January when playing with a gun"



Wow, they're really committed to this yandere thing, aren't they?



Pro-second amendment with they/them pronouns? That oughta confuse people.



Not really that surprising. A lot of communists and socialists tend to be pro-gun while many liberals are anti-gun.
It's also probably the least stupid and confusing thing from this article.



You're right, but I get a chance to use this reaction image surprisingly rarely.
