(Twitter / Joe Biden)

Democratic presidential candidate and well-known ice-cream liker Joe Biden celebrated National Dessert Day (October 14th) by getting a Blizzard at Dairy Queen. In a video posted to his Twitter, Biden turns the Blizzard upside down to show that nothing falls out.

While this is extremely benign and sort of the shtick of the Dairy Queen Blizzard, Biden critics unfamiliar with the treat were positively baffled by this.

The best part of the mini-controversy, however, was the conspiracy theories, as some found in Biden's nefarious Blizzard flip a signal to an unknown power.

However, most took the video in the spirit intended, which was basically, "Hey, remember Joe Biden likes ice cream?"

There are 18 days until the election.

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Comments 13 total


I…I severely hope this is just several people pulling my leg.

If they actually believe doing what every DQ employee ever has done before passing a Blizzard to a customer is a hidden signal to the alleged sugar daddy of all things "left," I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Kekkles the Kek

Biden is pulling further and further ahead in the polls and the MAGA hats are desperate for any kind of "October surprise" scandal that they can get.



Tomorrow's News Headlines:
Joe Biden Ties His Shoes: A Secret Signal of Ties to the Illuminati?
Also: How Kamala Harris's Sneeze Proves Pizzagate is Real!



It's actually soothing that this is what passes for an outrage with this guy. It brings me back to the days of Fox running a whole segment on the Obamas fist-bumping.



Let's not forget the memorably petty nontroversy about the tan suit.



This isnt what passes as outrage for this guy. Its what passes as confusion for those not familiar with Dairy Queen. What passes as outrage is his actual, medically serious diminishing mental state. His pathological lying on his own positions on issues. His unprecidented radical left positions on issues that he is consistent on (allowing 8 year olds to be genitally mutilated in the name of transgenderism, and the criminal prosecutions of parents who deny said 8 year olds this abuse, open borders with unprosecuted border crossings with universal health care for illegal immigrants, entire elimination of fossil fuels with warm embrace of the completely insane Green New Deal, baseless demonization of police officers and eager support and encouragement of violent riots until it affected his poll numbers, and on and on and on). His absurdly radical promised cabinet members, like Beto as a gun czar and even Burnie finding an influential home. His complete inability and unwillingness to stand against the radical-most members of his party like AOC and other actual communists from manipulating him, and so much more. Good job trying to pretend its just ice cream, though.



To say absolutely nothing on his family's confirmed political corruption of selling the country out for personal gain, with strong potential to eventually show personal involvement himself (but that will come with time and more evidence). His cow-towing to China and Russian influence is far greater and based in reality than the same allegations raised against Trump ever turned out to be.


Rufus Shinra

For those that might not know, DQ employees are literally SUPPOSED to do that with the blizzard to show you that it's so thick that it won't slip out of the cup. There is no conspiracy, as that is a DQ blizzard meme from before the internet. https://www.foodandwine.com/news/dairy-queen-upside-down-blizzard <- example.


Kekkles the Kek

Allegedly, if they don't turn it upside down and you call them out on it, you get it for free. It's apparently an official policy.



So you're saying Joe doesn't trust working America to do their jobs?
