
Yesterday, New York State legalized marijuana, allowing it to be smoked in areas where tobacco is permitted, while also expunging past marijuana-related convictions. Most New Yorkers saw this as a positive thing, but not Newsmax host Greg Kelly, because one time he got so high in Kentucky that he blacked out and woke up four days later in Nairobi, Kenya. At least, that's what account claiming to be Kelly says.

So, as anyone who has ever smoked weed before can tell you, this is impossible. Cannabis does not cause days-long blackouts. It also seems unlikely that being high on marijuana inspired the ambitious transatlantic journey to the middle of Africa, as most cannabis users will tell you the longest journey cannabis normally inspires is to the local McDonald's.

This leaves several possibilities: First, the journey to Africa part of the story is true, but Kelly was given some other sort of extremely potent drug and was potentially kidnapped by his "buddies."

Second, and most likely, is that Kelly has completely fabricated the story.

Third, and most intriguing, is that this is not Greg Kelly at all, but rather an imposter account that has somehow amassed nearly 300,000 followers while tweeting bizarre right-wing conspiracy theories.

There's some interesting evidence backing up this theory: Kelly was a FOX TV anchor before moving to Newsmax and again has a huge following on Twitter, but lacks a blue checkmark verifying he's who he says he is. Also, some of his tweets are generally so bizarre its hard not to see them as Dril-like parody.

So, either Greg Kelly's story isn't real, or Greg Kelly himself isn't real. That about clear things up?

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Alex Reynard

Nobody's considering that maybe Greg was attempting a joke Tweet, and is simply bad at constructing a joke.



The story is most definitely not real, but damn that sounds epic.
