Red Candle Games

Red Candle Games' embattled horror game Devotion is finally back online after years of struggling to get uncensored. Red Candle Games put the game online through their own online store, bypassing third-party hosts like Steam and CD Projekt's GOG.

The game has had a remarkable history: first released in February of 2019, Taiwanese developer Red Candle's horror game was well on its way to becoming a much-beloved entry in the first-person indie horror genre until Chinese players noticed a poster on one of the walls of the game that read "Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh Moron," leading to massive review-bombing and ultimately the game getting pulled from Steam. Red Candle profusely apologized for the poster and removed it, and then pulled the game from Steam for more quality assurance. However, they were never able to get the game back on Steam.

Hope was rekindled last December when CD Projekt's GOG store added the game, though they promptly removed the game because they, in their words, Received many messages from gamers. At the time, Red Candle was gracious about CD Projekt's decision (though the internet certainly wasn't), stating "this is a difficult situation to overcome, but we won't stop striving."

It seems their efforts have finally paid off. Devotion is available for about $20 on Red Candle's online store.

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Alex Reynard

I have learned that any entity that generates such cultlike, abusive defense against insult should be (figuratively) burned to the ground. Fuck the CCP.



Western media seems insistent upon copying China's path, unfortunately.
