The controversial French film Cuties about a twerking dance group of prepubescent girls is once again causing trouble for Netflix after a clip from the film went viral on Twitter. The two-minute scene of scantily dressed girls performing a suggestive dance has racked in nearly 3 million views, once again driving accusations from critics that Netflix is promoting pedophilia and sending #CancelNetflix skyrocketing to the top of the trends.

The second wave of outrage started on September 9th, 2020, after Netflix released the film on their platform. That day, Twitter user @GhostJim4 tweeted a thread about it, posting several clips, writing that "Netflix is at the forefront of sexualizing children and normalizing pedophilia" and creating a petition to cancel the film. One clip garnered particular attention, accumulating nearly 3 million views in one day.

The controversy simmered for a bit before exploding the next day when right-leaning influencers and journalists picked it up, leading to a slew of tweet using the #CancelNetflix hashtag.

On September 10th, #CancelNetflix reached the top of Twitter's trending keywords, first in the United States and then worldwide. Besides Netflix, accusations also flew at the crew of the film, along with the critics and media outlets that praised the film.

Some users on Twitter have been taking the hashtag more literally than others, posting screenshots of their canceled Netflix subscriptions.

So far, Netflix did not provide an official comment on the film. Two weeks ago, the streaming company apologized for its promotion of the movie. The controversial poster that appeared on Netflix was criticized for being more sexualized than the original French version, leading Netflix to switch the poster and rewrite the film synopsis.

Meanwhile, the petition to cancel the film has already received over 128,000 signatures.

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Comments 9 total


So … someone watched Little Miss Sunshine and said "hold my beer", made this movie and now the Internet is blaming Netflix? Even though they don't have anything to do with it except hosting it?


Soup King

Netflix's marketing team after people have just started to forget about their last disastrous fuck-up:



So I just looked the matter up, and Netflix definitely did not produce the film, while it apparently changed back the cover art, the only part it presented in a more inappropriate way than originally, a while ago, and these new clips are not posted by the site's promotion pages, so I don't get what exactly Netflix just now did to induce more outrage?



Probably because engineered outrage has shown to be a successful business strategy.

Like outrage will only make a tiny amount of people actually cancel and most will eventually come back anyways (80+% of people "boycotting" your product, which is usually a small number anyways that THINKS it's a large group thanks to social media, will keep using your product).

On the contrary a lot of people that would have overlooked it otherwise will check out what it's all about.



Liberals trying to normalize pedophilia
water is wet



get a hobby, this constant bullshittery is repetitive and annoying to us normal folk



this is one of my hobbies



Did Netflix even produce the movie itself?



They didn't produce it, but they deliberately chose to advertise it as "The sexy 11-year-olds movie". That poster and those ads had to go through a lot of people… all of whom approved.
