(Twitter / @MrSkibz)

Video game franchise Call of Duty is the latest brand to suprisingly be accused of "going "woke" after Ford, Chick-fil-A, Bud Light, Target, Xbox, M&Ms, Home Depot and Cracker Barrel all were accused of giving into the "woke mob."

Twitter / BillyTinkleNuts

It started when streamer Nickmercs of FaZe commented on a video showing a violent clash between protestors and counter-protestors outisde a school in Glendale, California. The protests were sparked amid heated debates concerning the school district's teaching of topics like gender identity and celebrating Pride month.

In response to a tweet by esports broadcaster Chris Puckett about the violent clash, Nickmercs responded "They should leave little children alone. That's the real issue."


As a result of Nickmercs' tweet, Call of Duty removed Nickmercs' sponsored bundle from the Modern Warfare II store, which they confirmed on Twitter last night.

Twitter / CallOfDuty

The move elicited responses from those who criticized the decision, with many claiming that Call of Duty hasn't been good in years and they will now go broke as a result of their "going woke," referencing a slogan that implying that companies who engage in social justice political activism will inevitably suffer financial consequences.

Twitter / ValueAndTime

Twitter / gideonheilpern2

Twitter / Tim Pool

Others found it amusing that Call of Duty, which has at various times been accused of being fascist propaganda and having players commit war crimes, was now being targeted in a boycott campaign for "going woke."

Twitter / BradsmithVR

Twitter / ConcernedPoster

Nickmercs further explained his comment on stream following the fallout. He stated that as a new father, he wanted to be the one to have conversations "about stuff like that," and he would not apologize for his tweet. He claimed he did not mean it as anti-gay sentiment.

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Comments 9 total


Considering the huge number of corporations that are being targeted for expressing any kind of support for LGBT people, is there any chance of a new Traitors of America list being compiled, but about companies that claim to support LGBT people instead of BLM?

These people seem to have the same kind of excessive fervor that One Angry Gamer had except this time, there wasn't anything worth being mad about in the first place. At least the situation with BLM was murky enough that OAG could pretend that all support for BLM was support for the riots.



There has been a large push by some conservatives that LGBT people are 'grooming minors' by their existence. With the narrative some have about trans people being mentally ill and their existence being primarily fetishistic on top of that, you don't have to push some people too far to believe boycotting anything that supports LGBT people in any capacity is "good".


winton overwat

Yeah they tried this shit a few years ago when they made Pride Name Tags and they're still kicking and making Activision billions of dollars a year. The very few people who might have cared already stopped playing.



Yeah it's the funny thing, the majority do not really give a fuck, this will be "Hogwarts Legacy" all over again



Once again right-wingers making words like "woke" and "groomer" lose all meaning


Kenetic Kups

Woke has never had a meaning


winton overwat

It used to have a few years ago. It's AAVE and it used to mean that you were aware of issues related to systemic racism.

Then Conservatives coopted it and now it just means "thing we don't like"



It's amazing how many ways one could flex some of these ridiculous reactions.

"Jews should stop drinking the blood of Christian babies."
"What the hell? They don't do that, and it's fucked up to claim they do."
"Oh, so you don't want to protect babies?"

"You should stop having sex with your housepets."
"I don't, and and it's fucked up to claim I do."
"Oh, so you're pro-bestiality?"

Maybe he didn't mean child molestation. But based on the "protect the children" and "groomer" responses, it seems to be how his supporters have interpreted it.



I wish for once a corporation would go the extra mile and actually defend the people they claim to support. It's always "We stand in solidarity with LBTQ+" and never "Stop calling LBTQ+ people groomers."
