Shitposting has reached Brazil's highest political office as President Jair Bolsonaro tweeted a Wide Bolsonaro Walking meme this afternoon.

Today might be a historic moment for shitposters worldwide as the official account of Jair Bolsonaro reposted a "Wide Putin Walking" meme featuring the Brazilian president. Staying true to the format, which originates from a stretched video of Putin walking to "Song For Denise," the video shows a comically stretched Bolsonaro walking around, exhibiting high Kingpin energy.

To further highlight his approval of the meme, Bolsonaro wrote "- Good video 👍" While the Brazilian president did not credit the original author of the meme, Know Your Meme managed to trace it back to TikTok user webcorninho who posted the video on June 25th this year.

At the time of writing, Bolsonaro's post sat at 3.6 million views, 24,900 retweets and 141,800 likes. Brazilian Twitter responded in the only appropriate way, sending the president some copypastas and angry comments about Bolsonaro spending his valuable time in the office shitposting.

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what an absolute Chad
