(Twitter / @blockchainitaly, @withoutwalls_ )

The SEC is investing Yuga Labs, the company behind Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, according to reporting from Bloomberg. So far, the investigation seems more exploratory than aggressive: the SEC wants to know if NFTs should be treated and regulated as stocks, rather than as commodities. Right now, a Bored Ape is legally classified as an asset, the way a painting or a piece of furniture might be, but the SEC believes it might actually be more like a security, which means people are buying and selling them as investments.

If the SEC concludes that a Bored Ape is a security, then there will be new rules surrounding the way the Apes are bought and sold, in order to prevent scams. There will have to be more transparency and public disclosures, along with a wider regulatory framework. The scrutiny of Yuga Labs could also lead to other outcomes: if there is something hidden at Yuga Labs, it’s very possible the SEC would find it. But as it stands, the investigation is nothing unexpected.

The response online varied according to what people thought about Bored Apes. Some, who have been long-time supporters of NFTs, posted about their loyalty to Yuga Labs and the Web3 project.

Others made fun of NFT loyalists, mocking them along familiar lines: in memes, critics implied supporters of the Apes were derpy and deluded.

The complicated legal situation also excited some memers. A few of them tied it to ongoing drama between Yuga Labs and artist Ryder Ripps, who argues the whole thing is a 4chan troll.

Some turned their fire towards the SEC, criticizing the federal watchdog for chasing after NFTs instead of other targets. Many of these tweets argued in favor of Yuga Labs from a populist standpoint, arguing that the alternative financial system they seem to promise is better for regular people than the existing one.

A number of investors thought about ditching their Apes.

Others trusted the plan, seeing it as the latest chapter in an ongoing ape saga.

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NFTbros when their "Blockchain Art trading" is held to higher standards than the TF2 steam hat marketplace
