Bono Blesses World With Song Inspired By Coronavirus Quarantine


Published 4 years ago

U2 lead singer Bono has written and performed a song inspired by the Coronavirus quarantines across the world, which, depending on your opinion of Bono, is either a very nice thing or a very annoying thing.

The song, called "Let Your Love Be Known," was apparently written by Bono in an hour and then performed by the singer on St. Patrick's Day. He dedicated the song to "the Italians who inspired it" and "the Irish."

"For ANYONE who this St. Patrick’s day is in a tight spot and still singing. For the doctors, nurses, carers on the front line, it's you we’re singing to."

The lyrics are clearly inspired by Bono walking through a deserted Dublin, as he sings, "I walked through the streets of Dublin and no-one was near / Yes I don’t know you / No I didn’t think I didn’t care / You live so very far away from just across the square."

While much of the world stays indoors, at least Bono will always be singing to us.
