(Instagram / Ben Shapiro)

Conservative writer and podcaster Ben Shapiro has entered the crosshairs of social media jokesters yet again after making a big to-do about purchasing a single board of wood from Home Depot yesterday.

Shapiro's viral clip is the latest in a long line of videos posted by conservatives to let their feelings about a certain brand known after Home Depot waded into politics recently. In this case, Shapiro was making a big show out of supporting Home Depot because the brand took an apolitical stance on Georgia's new voting law, which critics have argued is racist and restrictive to people of color. Whereas Major League Baseball and Coca-Cola have condemned the law (with the MLB moving the 2021 All-Star Game out of Atlanta), Home Depot stopped short of condemning it, stating "all elections should be accessible, fair and secure and support broad voter participation," and that it will "continue to work to ensure our associates in Georgia and across the country have the information and resources to vote."

This was worthy of a $2.50 purchase of wood in the eyes of Shapiro. While he may have been trying to do a tongue-in-cheek show of monetary activism, most online (at least on Twitter) found the whole thing quite absurd.

Congratulations to Mr. Shapiro on his wood, but it remains unclear if he has done enough to inspire political support for Home Depot.

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Comments 29 total

Armchair Psychologist

Reminds me of left media making news about trump doing every mundane thing



This is just to prove to his wife he can get wood.



What a fuckin nerd. Seriously this motherfucker bought 1 plank of wood, why not a huge tool set to really show support? Good god these fuckers breaking products of companies that go "woke" and supporting companies that "one of the good ones" by doing straight nerd shit like this is maxing out that cringe meter.



I bet he got wood for his sister.



>new voting law, which critics have argued is racist and restrictive to people of color.
let me guess, voter ID is now required or something equally sane anywhere else in the world


A Concerned Rifleman

"But them colored people too stupid to understand how laws work!"

-Some guy dressed as a ghost 1950's, some ultra woke race advocate, 2010's



As an example, if you look at recent elections there are magically many fewer polling stations in predominantly black neighborhoods compares to predominantly white ones. Hence WASPs breezing in and out while black people waited literally ten hours in line. As you might expect when someone is waiting in line for ten hours, they had someone bring them food and water. Bringing food and water to someone in line to vote is now a crime.



Voter ID laws are unconstitutional, because it is unconstitutional for the government to demand people to carry ID with them. (Applewhite v. Commonwealth, 2014, also Kansas in 2020)

They can demand from you to identify yourself somehow, but they can't require a specific document. A driver's license is specific to show your ability to drive, less who you are. Birth certificate also is bad, in particular for women since the last name usually doesn't match anymore after marriage.

Police can detain you if you have no ID at hand, since you are still required to identify yourself somehow, so they will simply use police resources for that, but they can't charge you with a crime if you fail to produce one.

And because there is no legal requirement for an ID, plenty of people, in particular poorer ones, don't have any. About 11% of voting age citizens (~21 million voters). Getting an ID costs money, something poor people can't afford, so they won't get one unless necessary. (Even if the actual ID is free they still need to take at least a day off of work for it)

So before you require IDs for voting, you need to make sure every citizen has one, anything less is disenfranchisement. Because if they are so busy making sure people without ID can't vote but do nothing to make sure there even is a properly standardized ID that feels VERY fishy.



In my professional years of my career as a wood identifier, I can confidently say that is indeed wood. I'll send you my bill.
