In April 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope was able to capture the first ever photograph of a black hole: Powehi, located at the center of the Messier 87 galaxy. While undoubtedly an incredible scientific achievement, it naturally led to a slew of memes centered on what was basically a very small red-orange dot.

Yesterday, the Event Horizon Telescope captured a second black hole, Sagittarius A*, that sits at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

This is yet another incredible scientific achievement, but memers, now faced with two small red dots, were forced to choose which was their favorite.

Others got to try their hand at a new round of memes for Sagittarius A as the image rapidly became an exploitable meme format on Twitter where it was photoshopped into a number of memes.

At the moment, it seems Sagittarius A hasn't generated the buzz of its predecessor Powehi, but the Event Horizon Telescope should know that as it continues its grand journey to document black holes in our universe, those of us on Earth will be ready to take this piss out of its discoveries.

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I guess the black hole is a Sagittarius.



Who even runs this site at this point? Who is posting this stuff?
