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Apple Introduces 398 New Emojis To iOS and Approximately Six You'll Actually use

Apple Introduces 398 New Emojis To iOS and Approximately Six You'll Actually use


Published October 29, 2019

With the release of iOS 13.2, Apple has introduced a nearly 400 new and updated emoji for you to ignore as you struggle to find the one you regularly use. These new emoji include such actually useful images as "yawning face" and "waffle;" unfortunately, you'll need to get through ones like "white bandaid" and "wrestling" to get there.

Apple introduced these 398 emoji, 230 from Emoji 12.0 and 168 from Emoji 12.1, which includes 61 newly-designed Emoji. Among the useful Emoji, there are gender-neutral variations of already available characters, as well as a slew of new skin tone options and "accessibility-focused" emoji.

"A total of 265 designs have been modified," writes Emojipedia, "with 255 of these changes being made in the name of presenting people in a more gender neutral fashion."

"These changes make Apple's designs more consistent with how the Unicode Consortium defines person-focused emojis that do not specifically cite a gender."

The new skin tone modifiers allow users to use hand holding emoji with "any desired skin tone" variation. This means you can mix and match people of different genders and each can have different skin tones.

Additionally, there are also 67 new accessibility focused emoji, including guide dogs, people using canes, hearing aids, sign language and wheelchairs.

Some other additions include eight new food Emoji, such as garlic, onion, and a plate of falafel that this author would like to be eating right now, an adorable otter on its bag and a cute little skunk, so maybe that listless scrolling won't be so bad after all.

But it doesn't end there. Apple included updated hairstyles, clothes, color choices and more for a number of emojis no one has ever used before, like Genie and Merperson. But at least they got rid of the vampire's bangs, which made them look like they were really going through something.

You can find a full list of the changes to emoji over at Emojipedia or, if you're an Apple user, update iOS and be overwhelmed by the options.
