The anti-vaccination movement in America, seemingly set on trying every non-medically approved method of avoiding the COVID-19 vaccine, has come up with a fascinating new way to "undo" the vaccine if those who received it now want it out.

According to a recent report from NBC News, investigations noted how anti-vaxxers that took the vaccine to keep their jobs have begun to attempt to "undo" the vaccine, essentially attempting to suck it out as one would venom after a snake bite. These methods include cupping therapy, drawing blood out and bathing in the household cleaner Borax. None of these methods have been proven to work at getting somebody "unvaccinated."

“Once you’re injected, the lifesaving vaccination process has already begun. You can’t unring a bell. It’s just not physically possible,” said virologist Angela Rasmussen.

"Reversing the vaccine" has become a movement on social media hubs. On TikTok, a video of Dr. Carrie Madej talking about bathing in Borax circulated among the trend.

In the video, Madej claims that baking soda and Epsom salts will provide a "radiation detox," which is useful if you believe the COVID vaccine causes radiation, though it does not.

As the NBC News article spread online, many on social media shook their proverbial heads at the latest, extreme "treatment" proposed by the anti-vaccination community.

Despite the generally accepted ridiculousness of this new line of anti-vax thinking, many realized that at the very least, people were getting vaccinated.

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As long as they get vaccinated I don't care what they do to "undo it".


Alex Reynard

Why do I get the feeling that this is yet another case of an absolute microscopic minority of idiots doing an idiot thing, that the mainstream news holds up as a "trend", so everyone else can laugh and feel superior to them?

Or did we all just forget about the Tide Pods?


King Crimson

These experts are going about it all wrong. Don't tell them they can't unvaccinate themselves. Make them think they can trick the government by getting the vaccine to keep their job and then remove the vaccine by rubbing themselves with wolf pee or whatever batshit bonkers nonsense they choose to believe. Guarantee that if that idea spread the vaccination rate in the US would be a lot higher.



Borax has been found to cause infertility in rats.

Just saying maybe it’s not all bad if they want to go diving on in it



And then when COVID doesn't harm then they won't be thinking it's because of the vaccine, but because COVID is fake, after all their "undid" their vaccine.



Just let natural selection run its course on the idiots that end up poisoning themselves in their attempts to 'cure' themselves of the evil vaccines.

…if only it was that simple, in that each one that winds up in a hospital means that an actual medical patient goes untreated.



At least they are taking their shots in the first place. They can bathe in used vegetable oil after for all I care.


Alex Reynard

Not caring is not the enlightened view. The people who disobey must be smugly mocked for absolutely everything they do until the end of time with no forgiveness, even if we do what they want. That's what the Good People do.




Go ahead, watch your Tik-Tok. They can't UN-vaccinate you.



Actually, I surprised no one try to make some fun with this.
Post "Un-vaccanate tips" like…

There's hair dye that holds a special ingredient that they don't want you to know. Normally these ingredient would bright up colors but they'll attract also and absorb the vaccine, with some time it can be washed away. The dyes will absorb differently from each other. The best result is get the brightest color like red, blue, yellow, etc. in an even stripe pattern from back to front. Maintain the dye to absorb the hard to get radiation that the vaccine leaves behind in the blood which may last about a year.



We've gone from bloodletting as an unironically popular way of curing the plague to bloodletting as an unironically popular way of contracting it. Incredible.
