Adult Swim's 'Adult Swim Jr.' April Fools' Joke Looks Legitimately Great
Adult Swim has taken the early lead in the race to pull off the best April Fools' Day prank this year, issuing an elaborate "Adult Swim Jr." prank that shows off fully-animated re-imaginings of their adult-skewed cartoons as kid-friendly content.
All kids into the pool! Adult Swim Jr begins tonight #adultswimjr
— adultswim (@adultswim) April 1, 2021
Every Adult Swim show has been given a Muppet Babies-esque rework in short teasers, while the channel has created Nick. Jr.-esque network transitions. Of particular note are Rick and Morty Babies and Harvey Danger, Junior Associate.
Welcome to a multiverse for every age! #adultswimjr
— adultswim (@adultswim) April 1, 2021
Stay up all night with us kids! #adultswimjr
— adultswim (@adultswim) April 1, 2021
Clearly, a lot of effort went into making "Adult Swim Jr." look legitimate while keeping the gag genuinely funny. The side-effect of that effort is that people are genuinely interested in these spinoffs.
I know it's a joke but this would be hilarious if it were real.
— Amoridere Hall (@Amoridere) April 1, 2021
Every fucking year they out do themselves
— Crackle Frackle🆖️ (@CrackleVoid) April 1, 2021
I would actually watch this if it was ever legit made
— Ryan Nico (@nico_1467) April 1, 2021
I love this intro!!!😍😆😂😚The Baby Mortys are Canon now!!!!🥰👶🍼🧸 It's so cute. I wish this was a real mini show. Or comic.Whoever came to Adult Swim and said they should make this is my hero.😚💖I'm gonna use this for my inspiration for Baby Mortys now.
— Mrs-Sundae (@SundaeMrs) April 1, 2021
Hats off, Adult Swim. It's only 11:00 AM EST at the time of writing, but this April Fools' gag is going to be tough to top.
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