(Twitter / @RazorSedgej, @ForumCovid, @TamsBS)

A conspiracy theory documentary called Watch the Water trended across social media platforms like Twitter and Telegram today, leading to many memes and comments about its outlandish claims.

The phrase “watch the water” comes from a 2018 post by the anonymous user Q on 4chan and has been repurposed by QAnon movement filmmaker Stew Peters and Dr. Bryan Ardis (whose medical credentials have been questioned by many online) as the title of a recently released documentary.

The documentary proposes that COVID-19 is not a virus at all but rather snake venom put into the water supply by a "probably satanic cabal."

The format of the documentary is an interview of Ardis by Peters, interspersed with images and visual aids.

Ardis cites the CDC and media’s opposition to purported COVID-19 treatments, such as Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and other therapies promoted online, as evidence of these claims. The fact that some medications used against snake venom are not being used to fight a respiratory virus means to Ardis that the government wants people to get sick and fears that they will be cured if they take antivenom.

The documentary (which is “just asking questions”) suggests the snake venom that supposedly causes COVID-19 is already in the water supply, and people must reassess their relationships with familiar sources of water in the home such as faucets, showers and even toilets.

Others pointed out "facts," such as the increased severity of COVID in people with preexisting conditions, as evidence of the snake venom theory.

Opposing voices on the internet dismissed Watch the Water as an absurd conspiracy, making memes mocking those who believed it. Certain commentators identified common themes between Watch the Water and older antisemitic conspiracies about Jews "poisoning wells." In addition to bearing the mark of a more ancient conspiracy theory tradition, Watch the Water also fits into the QAnon expanded universe, incorporating aspects of the Q narrative and coming out of the same network of people. Further, the documentary makes an argument linking the satanic cabal's use of snake venom in the plandemic to the Biblical story of the Satanic snake that tempted Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden.

Twitter purportedly responded to the documentary by blocking and removing tweets about it, presumably following reports by users or detection by content moderators. Despite actions taken by Twitter, however, the phrase trended widely and supporters of the conspiracy sought ways to evade detection by the algorithm by tweeting in code or replacing flagged words with others.

So while snake venom likely isn’t in the water, conspiracy theories are definitely in the socials once again.

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Comments 22 total


Nothing quite like a bunch of MSM junkies who use the word qanon, which doesn't exist (lol), and you come here to group together to salivate all over each other for $hit you can't comprehend. Get back into the fkn basement. You are already dead… LOL



I'd be more than happy to have all of these guys spend the rest of their lives not drinking any water. Hell, maybe we should spread more "Dihydrogen Monoxide" jokes until they natural selection by thirst?



(Republicans whenever something inconveniences them while a Democrat is in office)



Jokes on them since drinking venom is harmless unless you have an ulcer. Someone tell them the difference between venom and poison.



Remember when conspiracy theories were mostly about the illuminati and 9/11? Can we go back to those days?



illuminati --> reptilians --> snake people --> people drink water --> snakes in water --> hiss

9/11 --> planes --> snakes on a plane --> samuel jackson is a person --> people drink water --> there was water on the plane --> and snakes --> therefore snakes in the water --> hiss



Remember to take your risperidone today.



I wonder who is going to break it to them that venom is generally non-toxic.
It tends to only be dangerous if injected and if they get hydrated primarily through injections that's more of a them problem.



I heard there's a bar in Thailand that makes cocktails out of the stuff.



"People disagree with me about something I've said, which means I must be right."

I can't accurately express my feelings in words. Instead, please imagine someone rolling their eyes, sighing deeply, and walking away around a corner.



How many snakes do you think the deep state cabal has? Like that would be a lot of cobra venom to make all those people sick. And poisoning the entire water supply?



I want to be the Deep State guy whose job it is to manage all those cobras. Just a massive warehouse of cobras hissing and stuff and just me and some Deep State Clones driving forklifts and shit around to milk them all of their poison.



We all remember the refrigerated trucks in NYC to hold bodies, right? Let's run the numbers. 1/100 of a fluid ounce of venom from the king cobra (the most deadly venomous snake) is lethal. Now of course it didn't kill everybody in NYC, it killed about half a percent. So let's say that everybody in NYC gets half a percent of the lethal dose per day. 8.4 million people at half a percent of 1/100 ounce is 420 ounces of king cobra venom in their water every day. To poison the country would then be about 16000 ounces per day. BUT less than 1% of municipal water is used for consumption, so make that 1.6 million fluid ounces of king cobra venom.

I can't actually find how much venom a king cobra produces per day, but they deliver 0.2 ounces per bite. So somebody is milking cobras eight million times per day to poison just the United States.



I think this job is already taken by minions!
