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"Yaint" is a slang contraction of the words "you are all not," which is often associated with people living in the Southern United States. In 2017, a series of comics and image macros in which a character insists on using the expression began trending on the microblogging site Tumblr.



On December 11th, 2003, Urban Dictionary[1] user lauren submtted an entry for "yain't," defining it as a combination of the words "y'all" and "a'int" (shown below).

yain't yall ( you or you guys) aint(are not) yaint going there tonight? by lauren December 11, 2003 #5

On December 17th, 2016, Tumblr user nyanberry[4] posted a comic of Superman arm wrestling a glowing figure who replies "yaint" to the phrase "you are all not." Within two months, the post gained over 24,400 notes.


On December 30th, 2016, Redditor heatstroke-pitlord submitted the Superman comic to the /r/DeepFriedMemes[6] subreddit. On January 1st, 2017, Instagram[2] user owen_kung reposted the comic. On January 16th, Twitter user @YahBoyCourage[5] tweeted the same comic, garnering upwards of 1,200 likes and 500 retweets in the next two weeks. On January 25th, Derpibooru[8] user Hugoberting.Esq uploaded a photoshop of the comic featuring anthropomorphic versions of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic characters "Rainbow Dash" and Applejack (shown below).

On January 26th, Tumblr user joksiiie[7] posted a Voltron Legendary Defender photoshop of the comic, accumulated upwards of 10,000 notes within four days (shown below, left). On January 28th, the Meme Documentation[9] Tumblr published a post requesting information on the meme. On January 30th, Instagram user @empactivated[3] posted an edited version of the arm wrestling comic with the characters Zarya and McCree from Overwatch (shown below, right).

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External References

[1] Urban Dictionary – yaint

[2] Instagram – owen_kung

[3] Instagram – empactivated

[4] Tumblr – nyanberry

[5] Twitter – @YahBoyCourage

[6] Reddit – Yaint

[7] Tumblr – joksiiie

[8] Derpibooru – yaint

[9] Tumblr – Meme Documentation

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