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Weekend At Biden's refers to a series of Photoshops and memes of the promotional movie poster for the 1989 comedy film Weekend At Bernies in which the dead body is replaced by United States President Joe Biden, referencing the politician's old age. The poster's parodies started in March 2020, growing as an object labeling meme over the following years on Reddit and Twitter / X.



On March 23rd, 2020, Redditor[1] @SmokeyBare posted a photoshopped version of the 1989 Weekend At Bernie's film, replacing the dead man in the center with a picture of Joe Biden (seen below). The image is accompanied by the captions "wealthy donors" and "Democratic establishment" above the other actors in the promotional movie poster. The post received roughly 2,500 upvotes and 30 comments in four years.


Jokes about the satirical movie poster featuring Biden as the dead body continued over the following years. For instance, on October 22nd, 2020, a satirical trailer for "Weekend at Biden's" movie was posted on YouTube[2] by Nick Ward. The video (seen below) received over 1.6 million views and 22,000 likes in four years.

TikTokers also shared jokes and memes related to the "Weekend at Biden's" meme. For example, on July 25th, 2023, TikTok[3] user @rightwingyinzer shared a scene of the "Weekend at Bernie's" movie, captioning "Getting Biden all cleaned up." The post (seen below, left) received more than 128,000 plays and 7,100 likes in a year.

On June 30th, 2024, TikTok[4] user @beckyur shared a version of the "Weekend at Bernie's" movie poster featuring Barack Obama and Kamala Harris hiding Biden's dead body (seen below, right), which received roughly 240 plays and 15 likes in a day.

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External References

[1] Reddit – SmokeyBare

[2] YouTube – "'Weekend at Biden's' – Movie Trailer"https://youtu.be/Qu6PH9E5jiA

[3] TikTok – rightwingyinzer

[4] TikTok – beckyur

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