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Trans People: I'm Trans refers to a copypasta meme format based off a tweet by trans YouTuber Blaire White, who posted a mock argument between a trans person and "society" which references the Jessica Yaniv Brazilian Wax controversy and giving hormones to children.


On August 31st, 2019, White posted the original tweet,[1] in which a trans person grows agitated with society after demanding "wax my balls & give hormones to kids or you're a bigot" (shown below). Within one week, the tweet received upwards of 99,000 likes and 17,400 retweets.


The following day, Twitter user @Nyeh830[3] tweeted a version of White's tweet in which the mock conversation ends amicably (shown below). Within 72 hours, the tweet gained over 179,000 likes and 30,000 retweets.

Meanwhile, other Twitter users submitted parody versions of White's tweet, many of which contained references to various characters, including Sonic the Hedgehog, Sans from Undertale and Winston from Overwatch (shown below). On September 3rd, the news site Mashable[2] published an article highlighting various examples of the meme titled "Trans Twitter turns bigoted tweet into a parody meme."

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