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Time Is A Man Made Concept refers to a series of tweets that use a tweet by musician and artist Yoko Ono to serve as the punchline to jokes about time.



On February 23rd, 2018, artist and musician Yoko Ono tweeted,[1] "Time is a man made concept. Therefore, 'when' is not a relevant thing to think about. Just know that it will happen, yesterday or tomorrow." The post (shown below) received more than 3,400 retweets and 9,500 likes in one week.

Yoko Ono @yokoono Time is a man made concept. Therefore, when' is not a relevant thing to think about. Just know that it will happen, yesterday or tomorrow

That day, Twitter[2] user @TomZohar used the tweet as the punchline to a mock conversation with his husband. He wrote, "My husband: 'you said you were gonna do the dishes, when is that gonna get done?' Me:" The post (shown below) received more than 5 retweets and 100 likes in one week.

My husband: "you said you were gonna do the dishes, when is that gonna get done?" Me: Yoko Ono Φ @yokoono Time is a man made concept. Therefore, 'when' is not a relevant thing to think about. Just know that it will happen, yesterday or tomorrow.


Over the next week, users on Twitter continued to use the format to make jokes about time. On February 24th, Twitter[5] user @lukasneville tweeted, Editor: Your review is now overdue Me:" The post (shown below, left) received more than 4,300 retweets and 21,000 likes in less than one week.

On February 26th, Twitter[3] user @Laur_Katz wrote, "me: when will i get my life together also me:" The post (shown below, center) received more than 400 retweets and 740 likes in four days.

The following day, Twitter[4] user @thinvalue tweeted "'When are you finally going to get a real job and start doing something with your life?' Me:" The post (shown below, right) received more than 470 retweets and 1,200 likes.

Various Examples

External References

[1] Twitter – @yokoono's Tweet

[2] Twitter – @TomZohar's Tweet

[3] Twitter – @Laur_Katz's Tweet

[4] Twitter – @thinvalue's Tweet

[5] Twitter – @EndorMusicUK's Tweet

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