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"Ah, The Old Reddit Switch-a-roo" is a catchphrase associated with witty comments found on Reddit that play off the original poster's ambiguous description by deliberately highlighting the least relevant of two or more subjects depicted in the image or video. Each iteration of the comment is linked to its previous instance on the site, thus forming a long chain of comments that have been classified as examples of "Old Reddit Switch-a-roo" by the community.



On June 26th, 2011, Redditor NickConrad submitted a photograph comparing an Uruk-hai creature from the fantasy film series Lord of the Rings to the Jersey Shore reality star Snookie (shown below) via /r/pics[2] subreddit.

"Honestly? This is so childish and hurtful. This is so typical of reddit, making fun of someone just because they look different. Downvotes here I come, because I guess I'm going to be the only one to stick up for that poor Uruk-hai. He looks nothing like that hideous monster."

In response, Redditor jun2san commented "Ahhhh, the old reddit switch-a-roo." The comment was later edited to link to a rage comic explaining the history of the switch-a-roo (shown below) and was later edited again to link to the music video for the song "Never Going to Give You Up" by Rick Astley.

I first noticed the switch-a- Hi, I'm jun2san. I see you've made it to roo phenomenom while browsing the end of your journey (cue The End by The Doors) Congratulations. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Before you go, I'd like to share a few things. /r/pics. Great. Not this joke again. What if that someone is me??? Someone needs to show reddit how repetitive this joke is. I got the "old switch-a-roo" name from my dad. It was something he used to say. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED Hey son, don't go trying to pull the old swith-a-roo on me okay? yes pa I initially wanted the switch-a-A few times a month my inbox roo to be a long linear Journey would randomly fill up with comments like "I made it!" "Hello to my future self." "Well, that was anti-climactic" Etc. 4th link 3rd link where the hell are these people coming from? 2nd link 1st link Then I realized people were linking back to it, creating a tree This thing has taken a life of it's own! link 4a link 4b link 4c I've created a monster! link 4d link 4 Grow my beautiful creation. For the record, I don't care about the karma. Everyone is free to link back to the switch- a-roo tree. All I ask is try to keep it as linear as possible, although I could see how that could be a challenge My goal: Show reddit how repetitive this joke Status: Mission Accomplished!


On June 27th, 2011, Redditor ORDub responded to a post pretending to confuse the original poster's daughter with a grown man, to witch Redditor jun2san responded with "Ahhh, the old reddit switch-a-room [sic]" with a link to the original switch-a-roo comment.[3] From July to August, jun2san continued the switch-a-roo chain in three additional posts.[4][5][6] On December 27th, the /r/switcharoo[7] subreddit was launched, documenting notable examples of the chain linking practice on the site. On March 8th, 2012, Redditor sheap posted a map outlining the history of switch-a-roo comments (shown below).[10]

On March 15th, The Daily Dot[1] published an article about the Reddit meme. On August 3rd, 2013, a switch-a-roo wiki[8] was created on the /r/switcharoo subreddit. On April 5th, Redditor ShitGuysWeForgotDre submitted an image macro to the /r/shittyadviceanimals[9] subreddit, featuring Scumbag Steve representing someone who doesn't provide a proper link to a switch-a-roo chain (shown below).

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