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The Cheapest Thing Around Here is an exploitable three-panel webcomic featuring a bunny ordering the "cheapest thing around here" at a restaurant and receiving a note that reads "You." Online, people have labeled the server, the note and the bunny various things for humorous effect.



On April 4th, 2018, Facebook[6] user ThoBayMau posted a comic by Vietnamese artist Huỳnh Thái Ngọc. The post (shown below, left) received more than 14,000 reactions, 620 shares and 375 comments in 12 days.

On April 11th, webcomic Rainbow Bunny published a three-panel webcomic on Facebook [1] featuring a bunny at a restaurant who says, "Get me the cheapest thing around here." The server brings a dish, removes the cover on the plate and reveals a note that reads "You." The post (shown below, right) received more than 350 reactions and 50 in two days.


The following day, the comic was published on the /r/comics subreddit by Redditor[2] realRainbowBunny. Within 24 hours, the post received more than 27,000 points (92% upvoted) and 135 comments.

That day, Redditor[3] SomeRandomwWeeb posted a wholesome version in the /r/wholesomememes subreddit of the comic in which the bunny's order is photoshopped to read "Get me the best thing around here." The post (shown below, left) received more than 345 points (98% upvoted) in 24 hours.

Shortly after, Redditor[4] Seysen published a version in the /r/dankmemes. This version features the label "/r/dankmemes" on the server and the word "ZUCC memes". The post (shown below, center) received more than 1,000 points (96% upvoted) and 10 comments in 24 hours.

Following the post, /r/dankmemes began posting variants of the meme (examples below).

The following day, Redditor[5] heeroyun posted the meme in the /r/MemeEconomy. The post received more than 230 points (98% upvoted) in 24 hours.

Various Examples


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