The Best

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The Best is a lyric from the 2005 alternative rock song "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters, which is often spammed in discussion threads and repeated in edited video clips on YouTube.
On March 2nd, 2008, YouTuber YouGotDaveGrolled uploaded an edited version of the music video for the song "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters, in which a clip of the lead singer David Grohl singing the lyric "the best" is looped for several minutes (shown below).
On April 18th, 2008, Urban Dictionary[3] user Rozner submitted an entry for "the best," defining it as an imageboard meme mocking the song "The Best of You" by the Foo Fighters. On September 13th, YouTuber SuckaMCsReprahsent uploaded looped clips of the lyric "tick tick" from the rock music video "Frantic" by Metallica (shown below, left). Two days later, SuckaMCsReprahsent uploaded an edited loop from the alternative rock song Sliver by Nirvana, featuring the looped lyric "Grandma take me home" (shown below, right).
On November 24th, YouTuber LordGneo[1] reuploaded the edited Foo Fighters video. On April 26th, 2009, YouTuber ddg363[2] uploaded a 10-minute audio loop of the Foo Fighters "the best" lyric. On May 6th, 2010, a Facebook[6] page titled "Is Someone Getting The Best The Best The Best The Best" was launched. On July 23rd, YouTuber JDWilly[5] reuploaded another edited version of the "Best of You" video. On January 14th, 2011, YouTuber miscbros[7] posted a new edited version of "Best of You," which loops a separate section of the video in which Grohl sings the lyric "the best." On September 27th, 2012, a thread was submitted to the /mu/ (Music) board on 4chan[4] with a lyric from "Best of You," which received a reply spamming the lyric "the best." On June 4th, 2013, Tumblr[8] user youre-flawless-so-i submitted a post which included the "Best of You" lyric spammed many times (shown below).
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External References
[1] YouTube – Foo Fighters – Best of You
[2] YouTube – The Best of You – Foo Fighters 10 Minute Loop
[3] Urban Dictionary – The Best
[4] 4chandata – Ive Got Another Confession To Make
[5] YouTuber – Is someone gettintg the best
[8] Tumblr – Foo Fighters The Best
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