Take It to the Paint, Take It to the Rim TikTok Slideshow Trend

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Part of a series on TikTok Photo Slideshows / Photo Mode. [View Related Entries]
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The Take It to the Paint, Take It to the Rim TikTok Slideshow Trend, or, You Look Good On Camera, Baby, Let's Go Make a Film refers to a TikTok photo slideshow trend where users post several photos of themselves captioned with the lyrics of the song "Take It to the Paint" by Owe Jive, the last photo being a lewd or revealing photo of themselves over the lyrics "let's go make a film." The trend became popularized on TikTok in November 2022 and inspired controversy from some.
As early as November 24th, 2022, TikTokers began posting slideshow videos set to the song "Take It to the Paint" by Owe Jive where they show roughly four or five photos of themselves with the lyrics attached, ending with a lewd or revealing photo of themselves over the lyrics "you look good on camera baby, let's go make a film." For example, TikToker[1] @london..keefe posted a video like this on that date, garnering over 13 million views in a month (slideshow posts unavailable on web browsers).
The trend spread over the following month under the same original sound[2] for "Take It to the Paint." For example, on November 27th, 2022, TikToker[3] @addyyurdaddyy8 posted a video following the trend ending with a bikini picture, garnering over 3.6 million views in a month. As the trend spread, some TikTokers posted videos criticizing it for being creepy. On November 26th, TikToker[4] @jaedalexis posted a video criticizing the trend that garnered over 3.8 million views in a month (shown below, left). On December 1st, TikToker[5] @lilymaymottram posted a video criticizing TikTok for letting the trend go on, claiming the girls who do the trend mostly look like minors, garnering over 4.3 million views in two weeks (shown below, right).
Various Examples
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External References
[1] TikTok – london..keefe
[2] TikTok – original sound
[3] TikTok – "addyyurdaddyy8 ":https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFs6Ahc9/
[4] TikTok – jaedalexis
[5] TikTok – lilymaymottram
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